chapter twenty three

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"Alright you lot, welcome to Astronomy 101 with me, Professor McKinnon!"

The marauders, Ophelia, Alice, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary were all sitting at a long table in the library. They had started major revision for their OWLs, which were coming up sooner than they thought.

Just about everyone at that table had a subject that they were better at than the others, so they each prepared a few lessons on said subject to teach to the rest of the Gryffindors at the table. First was Marlene, who was the best at astronomy.

"Today were going to be going over information on Jupiter's moons. I think we learned this a bit earlier in the year, but hopefully you all have notes that you can get out?"

The group all nodded and took out their notes, flipping through the pages until they found the correct one.

"Jupiter has 79 moons. Let's start our focus on Europa, a moon that is covered in ice."

After Marlene, it was Peter and Alice who taught herbology. Alice was obviously better at herbology, however Peter didn't quite have a stronger subject, so Alice let him teach with her.

"Hello," smiled Alice. "For Herbology today, I wanted to talk about Mandrakes. I know we learned this in our third year already, but Professor Sprout hinted that it would be on the OWLs. Can anyone tell me one of the main uses for Mandrakes?"

Peter raised his hand next to her.

"Peter, you're teaching this lesson, you can't really answer the questions," Alice laughed.

Sirius went next. His strong suit was transfiguration.

"Hey fuckers. Apparently vanishing spells are going to be the hardest part of the OWLs, so I guess we should probably focus on those today. Everybody get your wand out and just show me the wand movement. Good, good, very good. James, do it a bit more like this."

Sirius went over to James, and guided his hand in the correct wand motion.

"Damn, I've been doing that wrong the whole time. No wonder I've never been able to get it," James muttered to himself.

After Sirius, Mary MacDonald walked up to the front of the table. She was a year older than the rest of them (besides Dorcas), but still wanted to help her best friends study for their OWLs, especially since she knew what they were like.

"I know that History of Magic is like everyone's least favorite class, but I'm gonna try to teach you guys about the Goblin Rebellion of 1612 in a way that hopefully you guys will be able to understand a bit better than when ghosty taught it."

She pulled a small whiteboard out of her backpack and started to draw on it, explaining it a bit easier to the rest of the group.

"So right here are the goblins," she drew a pair of goblins with angry looking faces. "And this is the Wizengamot. Basically, the Wizengamot said 'no we don't want you here' and made the goblins go away. This obviously made the goblins sad, so they said 'no, we will stay'."

"We're not seven MacDonald," complained Sirius.

"I'm teaching it to you like you are, so shut up. Anyways, the goblins went all the way to Hogsmeade and fought for their rights. No one knows exactly what happened, but they were bloody and both sides lost a lot of people."

James was the most well versed in Care of Magical Creatures, so he taught that subject.

He strutted up to the front of the table with a simple folder. He dramatically opened it to himself, and pulled out a picture of a kneazle.

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