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Ding....message received 5.10am

Ding....message received 5.11am

Ding....message received 5.15am

Ding....message received 5.15am

            Continuous message tone was irritate the one, who is laying on the bed and he is try to bury his face on pillow , to avoid that  the unpleasant sound early in the morning.

         Actually its not early for him coz its actually his usual time to wake up since his childhood. But problem is due to had  hectic day on previous day and what  more was that hectic day hapoen to he friday. So he decided to take nap for few more hours on saturday morning which is today...

        But looks like someone is really have a nerves, thats why they disturb an unapproacable arrogant ceo this much earlier without knowing what is waiting for them if any one disturb this hothead ceo without proper reason.

         With so much of irritation finally the arrogant(yet hansome) ceo give up and  wake up from his deep slumber to get his phone.

'Who the hell have this much of guts on their nerves to disturb me on weekend and more over this earlier' with that thought he his reach mobile to check on the message.

To his surprise the incoming massage were not flooded on his professional number but to his personal number. Which only knew by his parents and close friends only.

With so much curiosity who must be messaged him instant of make a call to his personal private number.'Whether his parents or friends need his presence for any kind emergency' with that thought he quickly open his messager.

When he open his phone to read the content he was shocked is underestimated.Cause the well known bussiness man and young eco of Wang corporation personal number is not a joke.

Then here some stranger send a causal message to his number without knowing what kind of consequences they will face if they are having any hidden motivation  behind this causal messages.

Most importantly he not who is  easily  apporoach by any stranger or common people. Yet he got a message from some stranger.

Here the Message content:

Unknown this krish...??

Unknown number: hello...this zhan...xiao are you...?hope i didn't disturb ur sleep.

Unknown number: Am sure you already know my name from your parents...I am the one you are going engaged with in month.

Unknown number: if you don't mind ,can we meet privately...? Before engagement.

He thought 'i don't how to react if its just random prank from friends i won't mind.But what if any one of my rivalry from bussiness world who wants create scandal in my life to send a message like this to know what will i do or how i will be react. .???'

       When you are in bussiness world you must be well aware of this kind of trick ,coz you don't know when or where and how or with whom your enemy will attack you.

     So he just shrugged and he ignore the message and went to start his day with uncaring attitude.

Meet our ceo Mr

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Meet our ceo Mr.WANG YIBO
25 years old
Friends with wang haoxuan and Liu Hai kuan
Single (still now)
Arrogant, hotheaded,unapproacable and most importantly devilsh handsome with brillant business mind.

So guys what do you think....???any chance for zhan to meet his soon to be fiance krish(yibo) or he just blocked by yibo...let's find out...still then stay

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