Part -3

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Author Pov:

Zhan could n't have proper sleep. He just tossing around the bed for full night. His thoughts are roaming from one to another like 'what will i say to krish' , 'isn't even possible that he willing to talk to me when i call him..?' Hmmm...he signed himself.

Without having glimpse of sleep he got up at 4 in the morning and went to bathroom to do his usual routine. After freshen up he came back to room . Finally he decided after so of much contemplating, he send a message to krish(what he don't know is that single message will be going to change his life without knowing him).

After sending the message he waited for his reply. Its been more than 1 hour since he send it but he didn't get any reply from krish. He thought may be he must sleep in this hour after all today is Saturday.

'Hmmm...may be i will call him after breakfast ' With that thought he went down to living room to start his day.

(On other side)

WANG YIBO POV: Saturday morning

After breakfast i went to my home office to do office work. While working I thought to invite my friends for hang out later in the evening at newly opened high-ended bar.

I heard about that place , the bar is provide private room for their customer who is well known people for their privacy. So it's won't be problem if we ended up getting wasted and what's so more even if we get trouble we can escape from that without making any scandal. I just want to enjoy my life after had a hectic week days with my two bestfriends.

So the plan is fixed, after fixing my mind i dial my friend no. to tell my plan. But before i even dial my friends i suddenly got a call from unknown number which is non other than the messager, instantly i knew coz i already save his number under the name of troubler.

Without second thought i cut that call put on that no. to screen list. Afterward i made a plan with my friends for hangout like I decide.

Time skip: (Monday)

(Yibo office outfit )

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(Yibo office outfit )

As uasal i went to my company on monday with professional look at 8 in the morning sharply. While working on my office i check my phone casually ,to my surprise i got a call from trouble maker.

One sec ,I was just stunned. Coz the truth is i forget that incident after i went out with my friends.

But since that saturday morning i got call and massages but I didn't felt disturbed coz it's directly went on screen list. But now when i suddenly see his name (trouble)my curiosity level is increased. so i decide to check the number, for what actually happened to that troubler to make so many calls and message.

When i open screen my first reaction is ,"Omg, what the hell...?". I was shell shocked is understatement coz...boy...there are more than 100 missed calls and 200 more messages waiting for me I mean krish. When i opened that i even more shocked coz it's just a single content which is " sorry krish "(which is not even meant for me) in all the 200 meassage.

Suddenly I felt bad for that troubler maker,thats really shocked me , who would not be coz its just out of my character.

Oh...boy... apart from my family and bestfriends i won't care about anyone and that too a stranger. Thats why my own reaction is shocking me.

So decide to know about him, who is making me felt bad for him without knowing about him.

I also really want to know is he really innocent or some spy from my rivalry.

With that i send a message to that troubler to meet me at LOTUS restaurant the one located at near my old uni. Coz that restaurant always occupy with students from uni only. It will safe for me to escape from paparzi who is always roaming around me like honey bee for gossips.

And I thought to bring my friend Liu with me to pretent as krish .With that way i can easy known about that stranger motive. Liu is really gud at acting and also sensible.

So i decide to bring with me.with that decision I called my friend no. and said what happened in 2 days in one go and what my plan is. After listening he said he will help me.

So the mission ' to find TROUBLER' is on.

So guys what do you thing... what will happen when this 2 stranger meet.

P.s: please bear with my poor english friends...

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