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ZHAN POV: ( Since Saturday morning)

                   After fresh up i went to take breakfast with my parents.During breakfast my mom  inform me that she and my dad are plan to go on weekend gateway.

        Around 10 they went to their trip after give me hug. After i  said" Have a safe trip mom, dad...enjoy" i went to my room  decide to call my bestfriend to tell about this engagement.

When his pick up call i said what happened on from yesterday evening to still in the morning.

After listened everything he congrats me and said "whatever you want to do  you do i always there for you to support".

I thanked him and after told him "will meet you at uni  on monday".

After  cut the call i decide to make call to krish. I am so nervous "what will i speak to him". After so much of hesitation  finally i made.

But 2 or 3 ring he cut the call... i confused so I decide to try one more phone call is not going through.

I was panicked , why the call suddenly not going through... i don't  know wahat to do, so i try one more time and send a sorry massage. Yet message delivered but not seen.

I really horrified 'what if krish complain to my dad or think about me lowly. What my parents will feel about me. They may be ashamed of me if they knew about this...'

I don't know what i will  do if krish family call off the engagement. With that thought alone terrify me. Without knowing i cried continuously and end up slept.

Time skip: Monday morning

Arrrh...what am I done to myself its been 2day i can't sleep or eat without hearing from krish.

After freshen up i  went college directly without meeting my parents. If they see me they found out something wrong on me.

I successful avoided my parents yesterday night when theu back from trip.Now i don't want them to find out. So i just skip my  breakfast and went to uni before the actual  time.

After reached my class i went to sit with my friend.when he saw me he was stunned...coz...boy...I looks like zombie. When he open to his mouth to ask "what happen to me...?" I cut him of in the middle before he boomered with questions. I confessed what happen after i cut his call on Saturday.

He cautionly  heard my thought and said to with snoothing manner  "don't worry zhan  everthing going to be alright , now stop thinking about your ROMEO and just focus on study, coz you looks like shit ". I laughed about his command.

I said" thank you" but inside my heart i still feel uneasy.

The classes went on...finally lunch time came we went to canteen.When i was in queue for my turn i got a message from krish. I was just stunned i didn't expect he will message after successfully make my weekend as hell.

After recorved from my shock i open message , to my disappointment there was no hi or hello.

Its just state "Meet me on LOTUS RESTUART NEAR GUSU UNIVERSITY around 7 in the evening."

    I just shrugged my disappointment  and became happy.

  'Thank god' i was so happy  that he didn't told to my parents and also he wants to meet me.

I went back my table after getting my lunch to tell to cheng with full face smile.

     He was confused of my sudden  mood and asked me teadingly" zhan what happen...? Did you got any proposal...?

I was playfully snorted at him and told the reason for my mood change.

After listening he also surprised and said "told you na, nothing goes wrong. Be positive.You don't need to go to meet him alone.We both will go to meet him. I also want to know him if he is really good for you...what say...???"

What I say...I happily said yes and give him brotherly hug.We decided to go my home first after classes , to freshen up. He decided wear my cloths coz he didn't bring spare cloths, anyway both are same size.

That's 6.45pm. The restaurant ride from my home is just 15 mins only which is located near by uni. We decided take  cheng car ,anyway I don't own car and also i don't know how  to drive. I us aualy took bus for uni.

I hope everything going to be good ,finger crossed with that thought I sit with cheng on his car.

Wang zhou cheng19 years oldFriend with zhanTreat zhan as his little brother (little proctive over him)

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Wang zhou cheng
19 years old
Friend with zhan
Treat zhan as his little brother (little proctive over him).
Handsome yet grumpy

So guys finally much waited meeting is going to happen. Let's see what will be zhan reaction for his krish(yibo).

P.s: bear with my poor english guys.

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