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Around 12 in the noon zhan got message from krish when he went to cafeteria for his lunch.

12.01 PM....Hi.... are you...? I knew its your lunch break.

12.02PM....Let's meet today. I came to pick you from your home around 6 in the evening. Hope you don't mind.

Zhan look at his phone and think with confused face. I don't know what to reply. They just meet yesterday . I don't know my parents allow him to hang out two days in row.

       Cheng who noticed zhan sad face asked the reason for sudden mood change

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       Cheng who noticed zhan sad face asked the reason for sudden mood change.

       Zhan show the message to him with sulking face without uttering anything.

      "What's you problem in this message. You just go and meet him"Cheng really confused why his friend hesitate to meet his fiance.

        "Cheng you knew well how my parents don't like to hang out frequently that too we are going to have exams next week. They won't pleased if i hang out 2 consecutive days" zhan said sadly.

       He too want to meet krish and like to spend  time with him and want to know about him more. But at the same time he can't lie to his parents. And he hate liers.

          Cheng knew what he friend thought and he also knew how he wish to spend time with krish. So he try to convince his friend for not dwelling with gulity for lie to his parents.

       Zhan don't worry about your parents. Just go to meet krish. I will inform your parents that we have group protect. Its due on 2days. Actually its not entirely not lie cause we have actually project but due date till monday. Don't think nonsense go and meet. This time alone" cheng said winked at him.

       Zhan chuckled at his friend antics. He really like his friend. Cheng always treat zhan as his brother more than friend. He always wish for zhan happiness.

         Zhan somewhat felt relieved after hearing cheng and said "okay cheng i will go. Thank you."

"Mmm...finally going for your first date. Enjoy.... may be end of the date you got your first kiss also.And make sure that krish fall for you...i knew even without you try he will fall for you head over heel" cheng genially said.

      Zhan flutters when cheng said that he may got his first kiss.

         He felt more shy and quickly declined cheng thought" no cheng he just want to meet to know about just like i want. And he is not prevent like you think, and i knew he won't do inappropriate things on our second meet.

         Cheng teased his friend "Oh...hooo...someone is already taking his fiance side....not bad."

      "Oy...Don't tease me. Lets help me to conveince my parents. I hope they won't disappoint at me when they will knew about this" zhan said sadly.

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