Part -2

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Zhan Intro:

(Isn't he cute)

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(Isn't he cute)

           Meet our xiao zhan whose goes by zhan or cutie pie
           Single child
           19years old final year at uni- major in art and music
           Funny, cute,navie,angelic face with beautiful smile
           Friend with zhou cheng who always treat zhan as his own little brother
           Soon to get engagement with krish
           Middle class background
           His both parents are working with decent income.

As usual i came to home from uni with happy mood...coz who would not  be tomorrow is Saturday that means i  have  2 full days to sleep and i will have yummy food...hmmm...uni canteen foods are suck.

With that  thought I reached my 2 room apartment where i live with my parents.when I enter my home i saw my parents sitted on living room couch and having their evening snacks.

I was really shocked to see them like this  bcoz who would be... ok ok don't confused why I am saying like this.lets me clarify your doubt guys.
First of all they won't come  back from work this earlier coz their usual  time is around 7 in the evening but now 4 pm only and secondly they never had serious discussion  like this before. What must be happened to make  them have serious look on their face like this. With that thought I went greet my parents.

'Good evening mom, dad' i politely and cheerfully greeted them.

They greeted me with same cheerful tone 'good evening baby , good evening son' at the same time.

'Baby go freshen up and come down to have snack with us, we need to discuss to you about your marriage' just like that my mom inform me that am going to get married.

I just nod my head as ' yes ' to them and straightly went to my room for freshen up . I konw you must be wondering why i didn't ask them like,"why are you guys just informing not discussing about marriage....?". But the truth is I won't or i cannot ask them why they suddenly inform my marriage without discussion with me before. Coz since childhood i just follow my parents words without asking anything , actually i didn't feel still now like why i can't say my opinion to them for any matters". Because i just brought this way since childhood like i always obident to parents and don't act reckless.

        when I changed to  my home clothes i recall the conversion with my mom when i was 15.


          4 years back when  I was just 15,one of usual sunday morning after breakfast i went  my room to take rest.My mom came to my room to talk with me. After random conversation she came to important point.

'Baby... i dont want boost around so let me tell what i want to tell you. You already knew how your grandparents are how they are live their life with principles  and you are  also aware this , our family is one of traditional Chinese who follow the old tradition.'

'Yes mommy' I said to mom to encourage her to continue her talk.

'So in our family love marriage is sin. And we can't   accept any kind of relationship before marriage. That's why I  tell you baby don't  disobey our family tradition. I don't  want to you do any disgrace things baby.Did you get it  what i am telling'.

After saying this to me in one go she was  expecting  answer. 

I just said  'yes mommy ' to her without second thought.Coz who am I kidding i fully awear our family rules.

Happy with my answer she went back after  gave me a kiss on my forehead lovingly.

End of flashback


           Since that day 15 years old of me promised myself i won't  fall in love or do inappropriate act that will disgrace my family reputation. After that i didn't done anything even before promise i didnt done anything and  still now i keep that promise and at the same time am also waiting for my future husband.

Yes guys...u heard it correctly...a husband coz am gay...thank God  my family or my parents are not homo...or else what happen to me when i came out to them....they accept with open so lucky to them as my parents even though  they still follow old traditions.

Time skip: Night

After had my dinner with my parents i went back to my room.
Taking shower and wear comfortable clothes i went to lay on my bed.

Before  sleep take over me I recall the conversion with my parents during evening snacks.

Actually my parents already selected my future husband like i thought who is non other then one of  my dad's college friend son whose  name goes as krish 25 years old coming from shangai and he is working as a general manager at wang corporation.

Wang corporation is one of the largest and top most  company in our company. That's what my dad told me about that company coz   i don't anything about bussiness world any bussiness people.

Any way back to topic i mean about my soon to fiance we are going to engaged with in 2 months time. And after that 3 months periode we will get married as per our parents wish.

But problem is he already saw my photo but here i am don't know anything about even his parents didn't show me his pic they just tell me he is so handsome and much charming personality and they said i don't   need see his face before formal meeting .

         Actually i don't mind that.In fact i am not  give any shit about other persons appearance.Then how can i concern  about my fiance  face coz beauty always not important.

And what more I knew about my parents they always try  to do best for me.Even i can't able see him before our official meet i won't mind...

But its just that  , i feel you like know .... i just want to known  about his  likes dislikes  and i want him to known about me as a stranger not a fiance  before engagement without my parents acknowledgement...if they knew about this they won't appricate my act.

So without their knowledge i stole his number from my dad phone. And i thought to talk with him. I hope he won't misunderstand  me.

So after much more thought i decide to message him first in the morning...With that I went to dreamland.

Little did he knew the one he decide to send a message is not    krish but his boss. Let's see how a  single mistake more probably a single number  will change  their lives.

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