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          Zhan and cheng went to booth and when they opened the door both are dumbstruck. They didn't realise themself what to do when they look at two more gorgeous young men infront them.

Zhan went his dreamland. He don't know or informed by his soon to be fiance that krish is coming with friend. ' parents said krish is good looking and well mannered. But now the both who are sitting infront of me are more handsome like model whom we can able to see only on television . This two are not just handsome but the way they carry themself  looks like they are from well known family.... mmm..may be krish is working in one of famous company and his friend also may working there with him thats they looks like this' zhan thought himself.

'Wow... look at this two  handsome hunks. Their must be one of them is krish. Not both are good looking.But one have stoic face  and other one is gentle smile on his face. If i were zhan i must choose gentle one coz other one is looking dominate .  I won't be liked to dominate by anyone. But i am sure onething  whoever see my zhan they can treat him well. Anyway from the look of them both are really well mannered. And my intuition  always right. Even my intuition  get wrong i am  sure for  onething if the knew about the real zhan no one have heart to hurt him. He is pure and innocent' cheng felt relieved somewhat.

Haikuan who is looking at both of them get shocked. He thought 'who is this boys and what they are doing our booth...whoever they are doesn't matter now... coz... boy...both boys are looking so cute. one in his pink hoodie is looks like innocent baby and whoever see they got this feel, like to protect him like their own little brother.  Like right now i felt about him. The other one by the look of it i can say this, he is completely opposite one , like if you said 'yes' for anything he must say 'no' such a stubborn one. But if i am going to date someone i surely pick that grumpy cat....oh...boy he is combination of cute and stubborn just like my style' he thought grinned like a idiot.

Wang yibo who was already  fell into this angel spell before he can  whether posdible to meet him face to face ,  was already stand infront of him. He don't know he is actually dreaming or something. Without realising he look at the angel gwaking.

After coming back from dream land zhan look at his grumpy best friend who is having same expression  like he wear few seconds ago. He snuggled  his friend to get his attention.
Cheng who is in his la la land came back to present when his friend snuggle. Cheng embarrassed for his behaviour said  sorry to him. Zhan give his assurance smile at him.

Then zhan look at table and said...Mmm..."excuse me are you krish" zhan hesitately  asked them commonly he don't know which one is krish.

Yet...he didn't get any response from them. Zhan confused and at his friend who have same expression. Zhan and cheng both are looking at each other confusingly asking to each other silently 'what to do now...??'

This time Zhou cheng try to get their attention. So he slightly asked louder than Zhan.

Cheng loud voice make both yibo and kuan came to reality. Yibo realised that he is not dreaming, actually that angel is infront of him...but the question is 'what he is  doing our booth....thats when reality  hit him...neither one of them is actually a troubler who he is came to see for...'.

After composed himself yibo looked at them sternly.

Zhan and cheng flinched at his stern look and zhan some how managed himself and asked one more time..."hai...i am xiao zhan and he is my friend zhou cheng and we are here for MR.KRISH..." zhan said politely.

Wang yibo and Haikuan recognised both of them when zhan introduce themself. Kuan who is composed himself , extend his hand to introduce himself as KRISH just like they decide to pretent.

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