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     Zhan placed the pot on his balcony window and went to bathroom to freshen up.

     After settled down on his bed zhan quickly type something on his phone to search while looking at tulip flowers which is shinning bright on the moonlight and emit the magnificent view to zhan eyes.

     After settled down on his bed zhan quickly type something on his phone to search while looking at tulip flowers which is shinning bright on the moonlight and emit the magnificent view to zhan eyes

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         Zhan blushed  when read the meaning of red tulips.
        Zhan thought 'krish looks are really intimidate to others when they look at him yet if you look in to his eyes then you can see how he really feel about others.
He thought that why elders says 'mouth can lie but eye can't '.
Zhan feel his real feel for him on his eyes whenever bobo look at him.

            At end of the first date  zhan  understand onething' don't judge a book by its cover' . So his  eagerness increased another level, like he wants to know about him like palm on his own hand. He wants to be his other half who understand him without utter any word.

       He wants to know about the real bobo who is actually approachable . Yet he still maintain his  fake cold  face to everyone except him.

    (Message conversation between  Zhan🐰 ♥️ bobo🦁)

🐰:Good night bobo....did you reached home.

🦁:Yes zhanzhan. I already reached and am going to take bath.

Zhan blushed when bobo called him zhanzhan. He felt special.

🐰:Mmm....then okay....bobo i want thank you. Thank you for today you making our first date memorable.I really enjoyed.

🦁:No need you to thank me zhanzhan. I am the one thank you for make me as a luckiest person in this world with your company.

Zhan can't control his heart beat which is running as fast as like Japan bullet train.

   On the otherside yibo smiled like teenage boy who is chatting with his first love.

🦁:zhanzhan....what happen..???

     Yibo who didn't get any reply, he felt worried and asked him.

🐰:oh...nothing....sorry for the late reply...i am happy for make you happy bobo 🦁

🦁:mmm...okay zhanzhan ...go to bed. It's already late. You have morning classes right.

🐰 too go to bed. You also have work na. Good night bobo...have a peaceful sleep🦁

 🦁:👍 good night to have a peaceful sleep my🐰

     Yibo smiled while holding his mobile.

    After replied to his angel yibo take shower and came to lay on bed with comfy clothes.

   Yibo recall the moment he spend with his angel. He can't believe  himself the way he behaved. He smiled like a lunatic and thought 'If anyone see me right now they may got heart attack. My parents and friends surely will be happy that i show some feeling who is looked like cold face with stone heart still now.'

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