Ex Coming Back

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My phone rang.

"Who calls anyone at this time?!", I yawned looking at my alarm clock. 6am.

"Who is it?!", I shouted and yawned, kinda all in one.

"Hey, it's Mechi! Good morning!"

"Good night", I said ending the call and pressing my head into a pillow. Then the phone rang again.

"MECHI, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!", I screamed into my phone.

"Umm, it's Cande"

"Oh, sorry. Wait, are YOU kidding me?! Why is everyone calling me at this time?!"

"Sorry, it's that-"

"Wait, Mechi is calling again", I said while answering Mechi's call. "So?"

"Sorry, I know it's early but we all wanted to go to Starbucks before we start our day"

"Ehm, okay, is Jorge coming?"

"I think so, why?"

"I just wanted to know...I don't have his phone number, anyways, I'm coming!"

"Okay, one more thing-", she began but a voice in a background said something to her and suddenly I heard kisses.

"Um, Mechi?" No answer. "Umm, I'll hang up, sorry for disturbing..." And I hung up. I guessed she really was in love with him...

Half an hour later I got to starbucks (outfit in media) and I was greeted by Mechi, Cande and Ruggero were there already. 

"Only Jorge isn't here yet", she said.

"Oh, Alba isn't coming?", I asked.

"Well, she's doing something with Facu", Cande explained then.

"Ooh, since when is something going on between those two?"

"They're just friends. But that's what they all say, don't they?", Ruggero mentioned.

I would have expented a "Oh, like you and Jorge!" from Mechi but she didn't say anything. What was wrong with her that day? The day before Jorge, then Mechi...

I heard a "hey" coming from behind me so I turned around and faced Jorge. He looked amazing. He's so handsome, I wished I could...no, please, no thoughts like this...

Everyone greeted him, just I forgot it, lost in thoughts.

"Hellooo, Tini", Mechi said while waving her hand right in front of my face.

"Sorry, what did you say?", I asked.

"Nevermind", she mumbled.

"Ruggero and I are gonna go shopping now!", Cande said loudly.

"Again?", Ruggero yawned.

"Of course! So, who wants to come with us?", she smiled.

"Umm, I still have things to do", I said.

"Me too", Jorge added.

"And me. Sorry, guys, maybe the next time", Mechi explained.

Soon after that Ruggero and Cande left. When Mechi went away to use the restroom, I talked to Jorge.

"Jorge, I think we should talk..."

"About what?"

"Sorry? We were on a date yesterday, have you forgotten it already?"

"Ehm, about that...well, I really don't know how to explain. Anyways, let's say it was just something friends would do"

"You...wait, so you don't...okay", I stammered. He could tell I looked frustrated. 

"Tini, I-"

"No, it's okay. We're friends. I like that. But what happened yesterday? You acted so strange..."

"Well-", he began but got interrupted by a girl hugging him from behind. Stephie.

"Stephie", I fake-smile. "What are you doing here? Long time no see..."

"I just wanted to see my cute boyfriend", she squeaked. She was so happy, it surely was because of her ad Jorge being a couple again.

"So, you and Jorge are together! Again!", I said trying to sound happy. But seriously, I couldn't do it. Luckily Mechi came here again.

"Hey, Stephie! Aww, you two look so cute together", she smiled. I couldn't tell if it was fake but I thought so. 

"I think it's time for us to go!", I screamed. I was a bit louder than I planned to be...

"Wait, one second, you can go outside already, wait for me there!", Mechi said and I went outside trying not to look at Jorge and Stephie with disgust. At least there was one good thing. A surprise waiting for Mechi outside.

Thanks for all the sweet comments <3

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