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"But what are you doing here?"

Instead of answering, Jorge lifted me up and kissed me.
"I love you", he simply said and by that I knew that he really meant it.
"I-I can't believe that y-you came for me...", I stuttered still being in shock.
"I'd do anything for you, Tini. I was so stupid, I should've realized earlier that I can't be without you."
He hugged me tightly. It felt so good to be in his arms, it made me feel safe.
He let go of me and got down in front of me.
"Martina Alejandra Stoessel Muzlera, would you please be my girlfriend?", he said while giving my left hand a kiss.
"Of course!", I nearly shouted, let him stand up and hugged him.
We spent the rest of the day by walking through the city, sightseeing and buying some souvenirs. In the evening we had dinner in our hotel, it turned out we were in the same one.
I hadn't had as much fun as then in a really long time, Jorge made me feel like the happiest person on earth.
"'s 10pm, should we do anything more or-", he began but I cut him of by kissing him.
"We could also do this the whole evening, I wouldn't mind", he told me when our lips separated.
"You wish", I laughed. "If you want to, you could stay in my room and we could watch a movie or something like that."
"Hm, that sounds alright too", he smiled. "I'll just get my things quickly."
"Fine, I'll enter my room already, just knock when you want to enter."
"Okay", he agreed and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

As I lied on my bed, someone knocked against the door. Being tired I walked to the door.
"Boo!", Leon scared me.
"You scared me to death!", I shouted at him. As he turned away to close the door, I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. He screamed like a girl which made me laugh. But I should've thought about it better because in the next seconds I was the one being hit by a pillow.
"Nooo, stop it!", I laughed.
"Never!", he smirked.
What started with one pillow ended in a huge pillow fight. At the end there were all pillows on the ground and Tini and Jorge lied totally exhausted on the bed.
"You may pick up the pillows now", I yawned.
"I may pick up the pillows now?", he replied.
"Exactly", I smiled at him.
"Aww, how could I resist this beautiful smile?", he said and picked up all the pillows from the floor and lied next to me.
"You're so cute!", I giggled.
"Aww, I know I am!"
"Hey!", I hit his arm playfully.
We continued laughing and chatted about everything that came up to our minds. I never thought that having Jorge next to me could be this good. After changing into my pyjamas, I cuddle up to Jorge and place my head on his chest.
"I love you", I say closing my eyes.
"I love you too."

I need you next to me (Jortini)Where stories live. Discover now