Waking up

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Tini's P.O.V.

"Ms. Stoessel? Your boyfriend woke up, he wants to see you!", a nurse called me. "I'll be there soon!", I answered and hanged up. I was at home, my and Jorge's apartment. A few weeks have passed since the accident happened...


I and Jorge were passing a street but suddenly there were lights and something hit us. Well, I thought it also hit me but it stopped right before me. When I realized the car hit Jorge, I checked if he was still breathing. I screamed at the driver of the car that he should call the ambulance and he did it, he seemed to be in shock. But no one was more shocked than me in that moment. I felt tears streaming down my face and looked at them falling onto Jorge. I wished he said something but he didn't...

---End of the flashback---

I couldn't believe he woke up, I almost gave up my hope but when the doctor said it would just take him a few days to wake up some days ago it came back. It was not like I did a lot anyway, I was just in the apartment the whole time looking at his things and well, crying and that stuff...but it didn't matter anymore. He woke up!

I made my way to his room, I entered it quietly in case he's sleeping and just stood there, watching him.

"Would you please give me a hug now or will you stand there forever?", he suddenly said, turning around to face me.

"Are you alright?", I worried and hugged him. I'd never let him go, never.

"Now that you're here. They told me about the accident. I should be the one asking you if you're alright..."

"Who of us is the one lying in a hospital bed?"

"We'll see", he answered and made me move close to him. Did I mention I was actually on the bed now?

"So, what's the answer?", he laughed.

"Ehm...definitely not me", I responded and got up.

"Okay, okay...how have you been?"

"What do you think?"

"You've been crying the whole time and didn't let anyone come close to you, not even your best friends, am I right?"

"You know me way too well!"

"I'm so sorry...I didn't want it to be like that..."

"But that was only once and it will never happen again! We're forever."


"You still have to rest a bit, I'll come back tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure, I'll be waiting for my princess."

I was about to leave when my boyfriend shouted: "You forgot something!"

I turned around to face him and he told me to come closer to him. He kissed me for a long time and said: "I missed you."

"I missed you even more!", I replied.

Jorge's P.O.V.

"That's not true", I whispered so she couldn't hear it.

"I have to leave now, see you tomorrow!", she smiled, gave me a kiss on the cheek and then left the room.

I seriously needed to talk to her but I didn't know how to tell her...

She'd be sad again, she'd never stop being sad and crying...

That wasn't what I wanted but somewhen I'd have to tell her the truth.


"I...I think he woke up", I heard a voice saying.

"Tini?", I asked.

"Doctor! He really woke up!", the female voice shouted. In the next second I already heard some people running up to me. I tried to open my eyes but it was hard.

"Jorge, Jorge Blanco?", a male voice asked.

"Ehm, yes? Who...who are you?", I began. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. But I knew I didn't know this room. "And where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Mr. Blanco. There was an accident and you've been in a coma for some weeks. How are you feeling?", the voice asked again, I supposed it was a doctor.

"I'm alright, I just want to see Tini."

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Yes, could you please call her? My code is 2103."

"Mar, would you please call his girlfriend and leave the room?", the doctor asked a nurse.

"Sure, I'll do that", she took the phone and left.

"Do you know if Tini is alright? She's probably so so worried...I can't believe I've been in a coma the whole time, it's all my fault!", I shouted.

"I don't know, she'll be there as fast as she can! It's not your fault, Mr. Blanco. A car hit you."

"I should've paid more attention, of course it's my fault. So Tini isn't injured?"

"There was a woman with you when we brought you here. She looked fine...well, except for that she was in shock and crying..."

"...and when can I leave the hospital?"

"You'll have to wait a few days but there's another thing, not about the accident but it's about your health."

"What is it?"

"It's very bad news..."

"I can take it, just tell me."

"You only have a few months to live left."

---End of the flashback---

There was no way I could tell her...but I had to.


Author's note

I know this probably isn't what you expected but that's how it is...and we're at chapter 20 already!

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