Happy birthday, Tini!

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Tini's P.O.V.
About two weeks had passed. Just a day ago I got back from Paris. Why? My birthday! I couldn't believe that I turned 21 already. In the evening I would celebrate with my family and of course Jorge would be there too.
Of course I wanted to look great that's why I had been standing in front of my closet for nearly an hour. Luckily my hair was done already so I wouldn't have to do it later. Thousand ideas came up to my mind but it only was a birthday party I would celebrate with my family. (Outfit in media)

"Tini!", my mum greeted me as I knocked against the door. "Happy birthday, honey!"
"Thanks, mum!"
"Come in"
"Is Jorge here already?", I asked when I entered the house. Nobody was there. "Ehm, mum, where is everybody?"
"SURPRISE!", I heard people screaming in front of me and hugging me.
"Aww, wow, thanks! Who did this for me?"
"It was his idea", my dad said, pointing at Jorge.
"You're the best boyfriend anyone could ever wish for!", I shouted to Jorge, running up to him and falling into his arms.
"Do you like it?", he asked.
"No, I love it!", I kissed him and people around us started clapping.
"Happy birthday, my love"
I placed my head on his chest and enjoyed the moment.
In the next hours my friends kept me busy with giving me presents and each of them had their speech. It made me really happy what they all did for me, this definitely was the best birthday I ever had.
"Come with me", a male voice whispered to me. By knowing it was Jorge, I followed him. He led me to the garden. It must had been pretty late since the sky was nearly black. Stars were everywhere, I enjoyed the view until Jorge told me to sit down on the bench.
"I know this probably isn't the best present you ever got...but I hope you like it", he began and took out a box. Carefully I took it out of his hands and opened it.
My hands touched a beautiful necklace. It was silver and oval, one you could open. (A/N: I hope you know what I mean, I seriously don't know how else to describe it.) As I opened it, I saw the cutest thing ever. There was a photo of me and Jorge in Paris on which he had his arms wrapped around me, we looked like the happiest couple on earth which we truly were.
"Aww, Jorge, I don't know what to say. Thank you so much!", I hugged him tightly.
"I'm glad you like it. I'd do anything for this beautiful smile on your face."
I was pretty sure I went red but Jorge didn't say anything. He put his arm around my shoulder and we looked at the stars.


Mechi's P.O.V.
Where was Tini? There was a birthday party for her and she didn't show up...I went to the kitchen to get a drink, everyone was having fun except for me so why not? I went back to the dance floor and after that my memories got blurry...

Jorge's P.O.V
I took Tini's hand and we went back in. We went to the dance floor.
"Would you do the honor of having this dance with me?", I smiled to my beautiful girlfriend.
"Of course", she answered politely and took the hand I offered her.
We danced slowly, looking into each other's eyes. I could have done this forever, I didn't think that I ever fell for someone like I fell for her.
"I love you", I whispered.
"I know but I love you more!", she giggled.
"No, I love you more!"
"That's not true! I love you more!"
"You're lying! I love you more!"
"You're the one who's lying! I lo-"
"Could you two please stop this now?", Fran, Tini's brother, said and hugged his sister. "Happy birthday!"
"Thanks. You can leave me and Jorge alone now."
"Wow, nice?"
"Always", she chuckled and faced me.
"And by the way, I'm the one who loves her most!", Fran shouted as he leaves.
"Not true!", I shouted after him.
"Where were we?", I faced my girlfriend.
"That's not that important", she smiled and kissed me.

The next day

Mechi's P.O.V.
I woke up with a headache. Where was I? What happen-
The last thing I could remember was getting a drink...
I turned around to see a man sleeping beside me.

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