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"Welcome home!", my beautiful girlfriend said with a happy voice as we entered the living room of our apartment.

"I missed this!", I replied. "Do you remember what happened here?"

"How to forget", she answered smiling at kissed me. "Without that probably nothing of this would have happened. So let's just say it was the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Same here. Tini...I have to ask you something...but before that I have to tell you a really important thing. Please sit down", I pointed at the couch. She looked a bit scared but she obeyed.

"What is it?", she asked.

"No matter what, we'll always be together, okay?"

"Jorge, you scare me...what's the matter?"

I took her hand and then said: "This is really hard for probably will be even harder for you. Just always remember, I love you."

"Jorge", she began to cry. "Tell me, now!"

"I'll die soon, it can be either in a weeks or in a few months..."

"What?", she said shocked. "You're not kidding, are you?"

"No...I'm so sorry..."

Tears streamed down her face. She couldn't look at me so she stared at the TV which was standing opposite her.

"It can't be true! There must be a solution! I can't leave it like that! You can't leave me!", she shouted and cried at the same time. It broke my heart to see her like that. She cuddled up to me and I placed my arm around her.

"I don't want to...but somewhen I'll have to. I'm so so sorry..."

"Promise me somewhen and somewhere we'll find a way back to each other."

"I promise"

We stayed like that for a while but soon Tini decided to cook something for us so she went to the kitchen.

I knew I wanted to propose to her but I didn't know when the right moment was. Of course I wanted it to be special but time began to run out...

"Jorge!", my girlfriend shouted from the kitchen.

"Coming!", I answered and entered the room.

"So...", Tini said. I looked at her, waiting for her to say something but we spent the dinner quietly. As Tini started cleaning I suggested to help her but she didn't want it. I thought she needed time to comprehend it all. She wasn't ready to lose me, neither was I ready to lose her.

"Tini, can we talk?", I asked when she was done.

"I don't know...", she replied and looked at the ground.

"We still have a lot of time..."

"No, we don't! You could die tomorrow or in a few weeks or months! It's all the same! I'll lose you! And I thought this was forever..."

"It is. It is forever. I'll always love you. Nothing can change that. And I know you feel the same way. I wanted to do this for a long time...", I began. I got down in front of her, took the little box out of my jacket, opened it and continued: "Martina Alejandra Stoessel Muzlera, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

I need you next to me (Jortini)Where stories live. Discover now