"Just do it!"

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"No, I can't do this!", I explained to Ruggero who was totally annoyed.

"But what's the problem?!", Ruggero asked.

"What if she says no?"

"But I thought she wants it?"

"Right...but how am I supposed to do it? What if it's not romantic enough or-"

"Okay, Jorge, seriously, stop! Just do it! She wants it, you want it."


"No buts. It's time to do it already."

Tini's P.O.V.

"No, I want more! I love being with him but we're together for a time already and I think it's time to marry or not?!", I complained to my best friend.

"Well, Tini, you're 21, you have enough time! And who knows, maybe he'll ask you soon anyway", Mechi answered.

"You never know, I mean he's a guy, what if he doesn't realize how much I want it?!"

"I thought you two have talked about it already?"

"Ehm, not really...I want him to ask me because he wants to and not because I want to!"

"You probably don't have to wait for a long time, Jorge is a romantic guy, not like Xabi..."

"How are things with him anyway?"

"Alright, alright...he wants to focus on his career."

"But you two are a couple, aren't you?"

"Kinda? I really don't know..."

"What happened when I and Jorge were gone?", I smirked.

"You really don't want to know, besides we were talking about you and not about me, let's just go back to your apartment", Mechi suggested looking around herself. We were in a park, the park Jorge invited me to the day I came back. I'd never forget that.

Jorge's P.O.V.

"By the way, guess what I bought yesterday!"

"No way, you finally bought a playstation for us?!", Ruggero shouted in excitement.

"Seriously? No, I bought the ring."

"You mean like the ring?"

"Yes, that one."

"Finally! Wait, why haven't you told me before?!"

"I told you and you weren't listening", I sighed.

"Nah, you're lying!", Rugge screamed when the girls came in.

"Umm, are we disturbing?", Tini giggled.

"Eh, no/yes", I and Ruggero responded at the same time.

"We can leave if you want to", Mechi suggested looking weirdly at me and Ruggero.

"Actually", I began. "You and Ruggero could leave me and Tini alone."

Of course they smirked and left the apartment. I sighed, took Tini's hand and sat down with her.

"I have a surprise for you", I smiled and she immediately looked excited.

"What is it?", my beautiful girlfriend asked.

"Wait and see"

I didn't let go of her hand and we left the apartment. I wanted it to be special so I decided to bring her to our park.

"Jorge, where are we going?", Tini asked again. "Will you ever tell me?"

"I told you to wait and see", I smiled. Every time I looked at her I had to smile, she just made me the happiest person on earth.

"But Jor-"

I and Tini suddenly turned around when we crossed the street and saw bright lights coming closer to us. In the next second I felt awful pain and everything around me faded.

I need you next to me (Jortini)Where stories live. Discover now