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Tini's P.O.V.

"Be ready at 7.40pm and don't forget to look good!", I hanged up and put my phone away.

"Let's get Mission-Mechiani started!", I said, looking over to Jorge who was smiling at me.

"We just have two hours left", he mentioned.

"So what are we gonna do all that time?", I replied, smirking and a few seconds later we were making out on the couch but then a call interrupted us. Always in the wrong moments.

"Yes?", I answered the phone.

"But where are we going? And why do I need to look good, will there be, Tini, do you want me to meet a guy?! I seriously don't need a boyfriend right now!", Mechi shouted.

"I can hear you if you speak normally too and well, it's a surprise, you'll see!"

"You make me go crazy!"

"You're welcome!", I hanged up again and looked at Jorge. "Where were we?"

"We'll continue this later, we have to get ready"

"But Jorgeee", I put on puppy eyes and he just laughed and left the room. Great job, Martina. I got up and went to my closet to get ready.

(Time skip)

Mechi stood outside already when I and Jorge picked her up. The whole ride she didn't stop asking about where we were going and who we were going to meet up with. When she wanted something, she always got it but that time I would't let her win. After a time she got quiet since Jorge and I stopped answering her.

When we all got out of the car Mechi saw Xabiani standing in front of the restaurant, she seemed to be a bit confused but I could see there was a little smiling appearing on her face. Then she turned to me and whispered: "Tini?! Why is he here?"

"Mechi, you love Xabiani. I know you do. You have to give him a chance."

"I've already given him more than one."

"He never meant to hurt you. Try it once more. You're not happy when you're not with him. Don't do it for him but for yourself."

She turned to Xabiani again and put on a smile. We entered the restaurant and we all ordered one big pizza we could share. All of us had a lot of fun (A/N: I won't write it all, it probably would be boring for you :/)and I finally could see Mechi having a good time. That was what I missed. In the end of the evening Xabi took Mechi home, that was at least what I thought. I and Jorge returned to our apartment.

Jorge's P.O.V.

"Jorge?", Tini asked when we were standing in our kitchen already.


"Do you think Xabi and Mechi will be together again?"

"Yes, I do, I mean they looked so happy today."

"And you, were you happy?"

"Of course, I was and I still am. Tini, I'm always happy with you."

"I just don't want to lose you."

"Why would you lose me?"

"I don't just mean so much to me. I want that you're always beside me. I need you next to me."

"I'll always be with you. Don't worry", I calmed her down, kissing her forehead. She hugged me and later went to bed.

Was she really afraid to lose me? But why? Maybe she needed something that would show her how much I loved her...a sign...or maybe she was giving me a sign? Did she want us to get married?

I need you next to me (Jortini)Where stories live. Discover now