Oh boy...

838 13 59

Player's P.O.V.

It was a few weeks after the breakup and I was pretty much ok. I was still sad about how toxic our relationship was, yes, but I could live my life pretty much normally without suddenly bursting into tears. Only at night I sometimes felt sad about it and I would cry, but Veteran was there to comfort me every time. He's such a good friend...

We were playing a game again. I was impostor with Veteran. We just successfully killed Clover and Potato in electrical (A/N: they're OC's of mine) and were about to vent away. Veteran jumped into the vent and... got stuck... I guess he ate a bit too much yesterday. Or he's just thicc. "Oh no. Not again..." he sighed. I chuckled. 

He's looking kinda cute like this...

What? I blushed at the thought. "Player, please help me out." Veteran said. I grabbed his hand and pulled. Veteran got unstuck and we fell, Veteran landing on top of me, causing the both of us to blush a pink hue. "Oh uh... sorry." Veteran said, getting off me. "It's ok." I replied, standing up. We quickly ran out of elec, leaving the bodies for a crewmate to stumble upon. 

We went to navigation. Luckily there was no one near when we ran out of elec. We rested a bit in nav, talking about random stuff, when Clovers's body got reported. 

"Where?" Veteran and I both asked. "In electrical, with Potato." Mother replied. "Did you see anything or anyone?" Captain asked. Mother shook her head. "But I thought I saw Player and Veteran go into electric a few minutes ago before these bodies were there." She said. "What? We didn't do anything! And besides, we were in navigation." I defended. 

Well, let's say, no one believed me. Veteran and I got ejected.


Dang it.

Veteran's P.O.V.

Player and I spawned back in the lobby. Player was visibly frustrated. I wasn't really. I was thinking about what happened in electrical when Player pulled me out of that vent. 

Why was he blushing? Why was I blushing? What the heck is going on?

I continued to think. I was confused af. The feeling that rushed through me at that very moment confused me too. I felt a rush of... excitement? Kind of. And butterflies in my stomach. It was embarrassing af. I got snapped out of my thoughts by Player. "Are you ok Vet? I'm sorry for making you lose..." he said. I blushed a bit at the nickname. "No no it's ok, I was just... thinking..." I said. "Right..." Player replied. "Everyone, I'm gonna start the game!" Captain announced. He started the game.

I spawned in the cafeteria. I was a true blue American crewmate. "Hey Player, I'm a crewmate, what 'bout you?" I asked Player when I noticed him. "Me too." Player replied. "Good. Let's do our tasks together." I said. Player agreed and we went to admin to swipe our cards. I watched Player swipe his card. 

*BEEP*  Too fast, try again.

*BEEP* Too slow, try again.

*BEEP* Bad read, try again.


"Aarrgh!" Player exclaimed in frustration. He threw his head on the card swipe device. "Shall I help you, homeslice?" I asked Player. "Yeah sure." Player replied. 

No P.O.V.

Veteran walked up to Player and grabbed his hand with the card in it. He led Player's hand and swiped the card first try. Player was blushing and was confused. Veteran blushed too. "There." Veteran said. He swiped his card too and they left admin. Player kept thinking about it though. 

Why did Veteran do that? It felt... nice... but why did he do that...? Wait, the real question is: why can't I stop thinking about it? A-am I crushing on my best friend? No way, it can't be! He won't like me like that anyway. And by the way I'm straight, not gay.

Veteran was thinking about it too. 

Player's hand is so soft! And his reaction was so cute! Wait, why am I thinking he's cute? Am I in love with Player? I- no, it can't be. And he won't like me like that either. Player is straight, I know that. UGH STOP THINKING ABOUT IT VETERAN!

They continued doing their tasks, both feeling tension when they were around each other.

Bweheheheheh this has sum Pleteran in it

~Not just a sore loser~ A Pleteran storyWhere stories live. Discover now