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Player's P.O.V.

I woke up. I suddenly thought of when Veteran grabbed my hand to help me swipe my card.

Man, to be honest I wish he would hold my hand forever... or maybe kiss me... WAIT, WHAT AM I THINKING? WE ARE JUST FRIENDS! Are we...? What if I do have a crush on Veteran? Would he accept me? Would he like me back? Oh it's so difficult...

I decided to join the lobby. Right at the wrong time... I saw YTCat123 and Shadow, making out heavily. Their mini crewmates Ryan and Kailey were on two seats, both just talking softly. They waved when they noticed me. (A/N: YTCat123 is me, Shadow is my bf) I waved back. think the couple didn't hear the sound of me joining, because they just continued like I wasn't there. I didn't want to disturb them, so I just sat down on one of the seats quietly. I couldn't help but feeling a bit of jealousy though. 

I heard someone else joining a few minutes later. It was Veteran. He pulled a face of disgust when he saw YTCat and Shadow making out. "Ew, get a room." He said. YTCat and Shadow stopped and looked at us with beet red faces. "Oh hi guys." YTCat said. "Yo." Shadow said while waving. The mini crewmates waved. "Hey dudes." Veteran said, waving too. He then stroke a bit of his fluffy blond hair out of his eyes. "Pfft, my hair is getting a bit long. I gotta go to the barber shop sometime." He said. I was blushing. YTCat noticed. "Ooohhhhh Player, are you in love with Veteran?" She asked, causing me to blush harder and Veteran to blush too. He was cool about it though. At least, he looked cool. "O-of course not!" I said. "Yeah sure!" YTCat teased. Shadow chuckled at his girlfriend's behavior. 

More people joined. Eventually, Captain started the game. 

I spawned in the office. I was impostor with Furry (A/N: Furry's another OC of mine), and I knew this would be good, since Furry's a great killer. I may not win, but when you're impostor with them, you just know this is gonna be good. I saw Veteran just walking out. "Furry, please don't kill Veteran." I whispered to Furry. They nodded. "Do you like him?" They asked. I slowly nodded. "Yeah, I know how that feels. I won't tease you about it. Also don't kill Stoner since he's my boyfriend." Furry walked out. "Ok!" I called after them. 

I decided to stick with Veteran because 1, he will be my alibi, and 2, I like him, apparently. I mean, why wouldn't someone like him? He's so cute and adorable. He can be clumsy sometimes, but that just makes him more adorable. "Hey Vet!" I called when I had come at him. "Hey Play-Play." Veteran said. I blushed, haring this adorable nickname he had for me. "P-Play-Play?" I asked. "Oh! Uhh, I meant Player, sorry..." Veteran said, scratching the back of his neck. 

Veteran's P.O.V.

I scratched the back of my  neck. There appeared a pink blush on my s cheeks and I looked away. I had figured out I liked Player as more than a bestie, apparently. I mean, he's pretty handsome not gonna lie. We decided to do tasks. Player acted a bit nervous. I wonder why... 

suddenly, a body was reported. It was Mother's body. Her mini crewmates were sad af and it made me sad too to be honest. "I found her body in Specimen Room. I was about to cry there a little because TheGentleman and I had a little argument. And I see he just died..." MrCheese said. He looked at his tablet, where the voting screen was on, sadly. MrEgg wrapped an arm around him in a friendly way. "I'm sorry." He said. "So YOU did it?" MrCheese asked in a sharp tone, looking MrEgg in the eyes deeply. "MrCheese I don't mean it like that-" "ejEGGt this guy!" "What did I do wrong?" "You uno-ed me in Uno..." MrCheese said this in a deep voice. Bro couldn't help but let out a snicker. "Ok but seriously, I didn't mean this, it was a joke, MrEgg is safe, he scanned." MrCheese ended their discussion. MrEgg nodded. "Cheese man also safe." He said. "So is Player." I said. "Yeah, we were together the whole time." Player agreed. "Ok, then I think we will skip for now." Captain said. 

No one was ejected. (Skipped)

"Everyone scatter!" Captain called. We all scattered. 

A few rounds later, the defeat screen came, revealing the impostors: Furry and Player! He had won!

In the lobby Player cheered and danced around. "I finally won! Yes! Yesssss! I finally woonnnnnnnnn!!!" He hugged Furry. "Thank you so much!" I couldn't help but feeling a little jelly. Luckily Furry doesn't really like it when someone suddenly hugs them, so they pushed Player away but still in a friendly way. "You're welcome, also, please don't hug me. I don't really like that, you know. Hug Veteran instead." I blushed hearing this. Player pulled away, having a pink blush on his face. Furry just smirked. Player ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "I finally won!" He said once again. I blushed and laughed and hugged the happy red crewmate back. "I'm happy for ya dude." I said. Player giggled a cute giggle that caused my blush to increase. "Me to." He said before letting go. Captain and Dum got a hug too. After that, he went up to me again. I still wondered why Player hugged Furry. "Why did you hug them?" I asked. "And I mean Furry." I added. "Oh, because they were the other impostor, duh. I was so happy they helped me win! They also taught me some tips and tricks." Player replied smiling from ear to ear. I smiled too. "Ah, ok." I said. 

I was seriously happy for Player. He finally,, had a victory. 

Player's P.O.V.


Yay! I'm happy for Player!

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