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"I have a crush on you!" They said at the same time after Veteran counted to three. "Wait what?!" They then exclaimed when they said exactly the same thing. They both blushed and looked at each other. "Wait, lemme get this straight- or not- wait- so we both got a crush on each other?" Player asked, not believing this was real. "Yep, and we're both shocked we have mutual feelings. C'mere buddy." He hugged Player in a tight hug. Player hugged Veteran back. He couldn't help letting out some happy tears. "I... I thought you'd reject me..." he said. "Heh, me too. I thought you'd reject me." Veteran said. They both laughed and Player wiped his tears. "I'm seriously so happy!" Player said. "Same here bud." Veteran said. "But to be honest, I wouldn't have any idea you'd feel the same although we were indeed pretty obviously crushing on each other." Player nodded. "Agreed." They let go and just looked at each other for a while.

"You know, I have thought about that "Pleteran" thing, and I think I have an idea what it means." Player said after a silence. "Ok, tell me what the hell it means man." Veteran replied. "Well, I think it's our ship name. Girls are somehow into that stuff (and some boys too). It does make sense though. "Pl" from my name and "eteran" from your name." Player explained. "Oh yeah I see." Veteran said. "It's genius not gonna lie." Player nodded. "Sure is." They were silent again. 

"Uhh, Vet, remember when we kind of... kissed?" Player asked. Veteran nodded. "'Course I remember! I couldn't get it off my mind." He said, making Player blush a bit. "Well... I wanted to say I... I enjoyed it." Player said a bit awkwardly. "Me too bud." Veteran said. "I wanted to pull you closer, but you pulled away." Player chuckled. "I was embarrassed ok? But to be honest I wish I didn't pull away. Also, at that very moment, I could taste your lips. They... tasted like vanilla. Pretty hot." Player said. "I couldn't taste yours, but in my dream I could. They tasted like strawberry." Veteran said. He got silent for a moment. "And I wanna figure out if that's also the case in real life." He then said. Player blushed from this. "Man, you're smooth." He said. "Wha- oh really? Wow I'm sometimes smooth without noticing, apparently." Veteran said, also blushing. "But if you wanna know, let's just do it." Player said. "And I mean kissing, not uhh... that other thing." He clarified when Veteran got beet red. Veteran agreed. Player cupped Veteran's cheek and kissed Veteran's lips slowly. Veteran kissed back, pulling the slightly taller man closer. The kiss was sweet, and Veteran could taste Player's lips. They tasted, like in Veteran's dreams, like strawberry. Veteran smiled in the kiss when he noticed. Player pulled Veteran closer.

A few minutes later, they pulled away because they heard someone squealing. It was Gnome. "Eeek! It's canon! Yes! I'm gonna announce this to everyone!" She exclaimed. "No wait-" Player and Veteran said, because they didn't want a whole meeting about it, but Gnome wa already gone.

And yes, a minute or so later there was an emergency meeting. 

"PLAYER AND VETERAN ARE CANON!" Gnome screamed. YTCat and Dum started screaming too. Xmas plant covered his ears. The other crewmates started talking. "HA! TAKE THAT NOOB!" Dum screamed, making Veteran chuckle a bit. "I saw them kiss!" Gnome said. "But we haven't asked each other to be boyfriends yet-" Player said. Everyone got silent when they heard that. "OK, THEN DO THAT! OR BETTER, MARRY EACH OTHER NOW!" Gnome said. "So, uhh, boyfriends?" Player asked awkwardly. "Sure thing dude." Veteran replied. They shook hands then gave each other one quick kiss. The meeting ended in a skip, because Captain told everyone to skip. 

No one was ejected. (Skipped)

Player and Veteran decided to go to electrical, because it's so scary and big, no one will find you there. And with each other's company, they didn't feel scared. They sat down. "Man, I'm so glad we're boyfriends now." Veteran said. "Yeah, me too." Player agreed. They leaned against each other. "I love you." Player said. "I love you too." Veteran replied. They kept sitting there, enjoying the silence. 

~Not just a sore loser~ A Pleteran storyWhere stories live. Discover now