An unwanted visit

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Player's P.O.V.

Veteran and I were sitting in the lobby, holding hands. We enjoyed each other's company very much. Suddenly, someone joined, and I wasn't happy to see who it was...

It was Noob. 

"Hey Player." Noob said. "What are you doing here, Noob?" I asked, annoyed to see her. "Yeah, totally, you're ruining our vibes." Veteran said. "Oh, I just wanted to see how your depressed ass is doing." Noob said. "And I see you're with the crown guy now?" She glanced at our hands. "Yeah, what is wrong with that?" I asked. "Because gayness I stupid. And dumb af. Seriously, I'm so glad I dumped you, loser." Noob replied. She wiped a bit of black hair with cyan at the tips out of her face. So she dyed her hair huh? First it was just black. Veteran glared at Noob. "First of all, Player dumped you, second of all- you know what? Talking to you already makes me wanna barf. Just get out you stupid homophobe!" He said. Noob sat down on one of the seats with a mean grin. "No." 

We heard someone else join. It was Dum. "Hey brother! Hey Veteran! Hey- Noob?!" She looked shocked to see my ex. "Oh hey Dum. Or should I say, DUMbass?" Noob asked. "Your brother is gay, you already know what? Stupid is it, am I right?" Dum stood here, balling her fists and having such a dead glare on her face, I kinda found it scary. 

"You better take that back..." Dum said. "Why would I? I'm not gonna listen to such a weak ass girl as you. Besides, Player is my ex so it doesn't bother him that much. He's also just a stupid loser, never won a single game, and is gay. How many more stupid things can I say about him? I have a list. Gimme two days to tell everything that's stupid about Player." Noob said. She saw I was hurt. She saw I was remembering the flashbacks of what she said to me. She saw I was hurt by her homophobic ass. But she didn't even care. Veteran squeezed my hand. It calmed me down a bit, but I still found it difficult to hold in my tears. I have a low self esteem, you know, and when someone makes fun of me, it does hurt me a lot. 

Dum had enough too. She jumped on Noob and gave her such a hard smack it made me and Veteran flinch. She smacked Noob over and over again. Then she gave Noob a hard slam on her nose, breaking it. Eventually, when Dum tried to strangle Noob, I stood up to stop her. Yes, I still hate Noob, but I don't want my sister to become a maniacal murderer when the game hasn't even started yet. I grabbed Dum by her waist and pulled her off Noob. "LEMME KILL HER! LEMMEEEEEEEEE!" Dum screamed. "CALM THE FREAK DOWN!" I screamed back. Dum stopped, since she didn't expect me to scream. "If you're impostor, I'll let you murder her as painfully as possible, but now in the lobby, please." I said. "Ok..." Dum said. More people had joined and eventually, Stoner started the game.

I spawned in the cafeteria. I was impostors with Dum. Dum seriously had to physically restrain herself from cheering, I saw it. "Let's kill Noob!" She said. "Ok, you can kill Noob, I will hang out with Veteran for a bit." I said. Dum nodded.

Dum's P.O.V.

I went to search for that Noob girl. She's going do die so painfully, she will regret her grand grandparents were even born! I eventually found that toxic piece of crap in upper engine. She was doing a task there. I slowly went up to her. "Hewwoooo." I said, which scared the crap outta her. "What the hell are you doing here, DUMbass?" Noob asked. "Oh, I'm just here to MURDER YOU!" I pulled out my knife. "Oh great. The weak ass is an impostor." Noob said. I jumped up to her and stabbed her in her stomach. She cringed in pain and fell down. Noob coughed up some blood. I didn't stab her deep enough to kill her immediately, but deep enough to cause her major pain. It wouldn't kill her either if I pulled the knife out. I prepared that well enough. "This had to be done." I said darkly. I pulled the knife out, causing Noob to let out a weak scream in agony. She clutched her stomach. "Alright, imma just kill you." I said, stabbing Noob's body, then shooting her a few times to make sure she's dead. I didn't do the needle tongue, because I didn't want to taste Noob's blood. 

I vented to reactor and from there I walked to security. I then just went to look at the cameras. I just saw Player and Veteran walk to navigation. They were probably going to smooch or something. 

Veteran's P.O.V.

Player and I walked to navigation. We do our last task there. After that, we would finally be done with our tasks we did together. Yeah, we were together the whole game. Although Player seemed to disappear sometimes... nah, he's definitely not the impostor. 

Player watched me do my task. After that, he grabbed my waist, causing me to let out a soft squeak, since my waist is pretty sensitive. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I replied. Player kissed me passionately. He pulled me closer and put his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues swirled around each other. Player pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. He also started rubbing my waist making me let out a gasp and pull him closer. Player smirked in the kiss, knowing I was definitely a bottom. I was fine with that. I am a person who loves to be submissive so it's fine. 

We suddenly got interrupted by a report of Noob's dead body. "Oh my god! Noob is dead!" Wizard shouted. "Noob flipping died." MrCheese said, causing everyone at the table to laugh, since we all hate Noob. Well, Wizard wasn't laughing because he doesn't know Noob that well. Lucky him, shall I say. "What's so funny? Someone died!" He said. "It's- its funny because- oh my god I can't breathe- *wheeze* it's funny because she's a toxic piece of crap who used me." Player said while wheezing. "Now that's not nice." Wizard said. "Who could do this to my friend?" Player stopped laughing. "Since when are we friends?" He asked a bit rudely. "C'mon dude, let him be. I know how it feels like to be an anxious extrovert who is desperate for friends." I said. "Yeah." Wizard said a bit sadly. "Thank you, Veteran." "No prob, just... don't fall in love with Player, because he's mine." Wizard nodded. "You guys are cute though." He said. "Hehe, thanks." Player replied, making Wizard smile at his flustered reaction. 

The meeting eventually ended in a skip.

No one was ejected. (Skipped)

I went up to Player and we went to navigation again to continue our making out session. 

~Not just a sore loser~ A Pleteran storyWhere stories live. Discover now