A plan

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Player's P.O.V.

It was a few years since Veteran and I got together. We were playing on MIRA HQ. I was just sitting on the balcony, just enjoying it all. I was also thinking. I really loved Veteran, and I wanted to be with him forever. Yes, you guessed it, I wanted to marry him. But I didn't know how to ask him. I was afraid he wouldn't want it. Yes, there are couples who experienced this. Oh boy was I nervous. I eventually stood up. I decided to search on internet for tips.

Are's minutes later I was well-prepared. I decided to tell Dum and Captain about my plan, because yeah they're my BFF and sister. 

"Oh my god that's so wholesomeeee!" Dum exclaimed. "Indeed bestie!" Captain agreed. I smiled. "I wanted to tell you guys because I need you guys to come with me to buy a ring. I want to take Dum with me because she knows about stuff like this and Captain just for company and happiness." I said. Captain and Dum let out happy noises. They both hugged me. "Then let's go!" Dum said. 

A few hours or so? later we finally had the right ring. It was a beautiful golden ring with a beautifully sparkling diamond in it. We bought it and exited the store. 

Some dats later I still hadn't asked him because I'm a coward. But today was different. I went to ask Veteran, no matter what! I didn't want to be a coward anymore! And the whining of Captain and Dum about asking him tired me too. I walked up to him and saw him doing a task in (the Skeld's) electrical. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. "V-Veteran?" I said. Veteran turned around. "Yes?" He said. "I... I need to ask you something..." I said softly. Veteran listened. "Veteran, ever since we became boyfriends, I felt so happy! You always were there for me, you loved me like I love you, I love you so much, and I wanna make it official. Veteran..." I kneeled down. Veteran gasped. "P-Player... I... you mean-" "Yes, I want to ask you: will you marry me?" I took the ring out of my pocket. Veteran gasped again and put his hands on his mouth. Tears started forming into the corners of his eyes. "P-Player... oh my god... I can't believe it..." he sniffled. "YES, A MILLION BILLION TIMES YES!" He then screamed, hugging me, causing the both of us to fall on the ground. Veteran landed on top of me. He kissed me passionately. He then let go. We both cried of happiness. 

"WHOO!" "GREAT JOB BESTIE!" We suddenly heard. It was Dum and Captain plus the rest of the crew. They all were listening apparently. "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO ADORABLEEEEE!" Gnome spoke, squealing of happiness. Veteran got off of me and we sat up. I put the ring on Veteran's finger. We then hugged, let go again and stood up. "So, when's the wedding?" YTCat asked. "We need to plan that yet." I said. Veteran nodded. I was so happy and Veteran was too. Finally, we could make it official. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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