How to tell him?

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Player's P.O.V.

I was in laboratory. It was a few days after Veteran and I had those dreams. I was thinking. I was wondering how I could confess to Veteran. Not like he would like me back or anything, but still, I needed to let it out. I decided to go to Captain because he knows about love. 

"Heya bestie!" Captain exclaimed when he saw me. "Hey Player!" Dum said. "Hey guys... I need your help..." I said. "Ok, what's the matter?" Captain asked. "Well... I... IhaveakindofbigcrushonVeteranandIdon'tknowhowtotellhimpleasehelpmeh." I said. "I KNEW ITTTT!" Dum shouted. "SHH! I don't want him to hear!" I shushed Dum. "Oh, hehe, sorry." Dum said. "Well, you're at the right address, Player!" Captain said. "Indeed!" Dum agreed. "So do you have any ideas?" I asked. "Be smooth and flirt, duh." We then heard. There stood Clover. "Really?" I asked. "Duh, how else do I have my amazing bf?" Clover asked. "You mean MrEgg?" I asked. Clover nodded. "He's so cute." I nodded, agreeing with his statement. "Hey, what if I give you some pick up lines?" Clover asked. "Please don't-" "Ok, the first one: there must be something wrong with my eyes, cuz I can't take 'em off of you. The second one: did you just come out of an oven? Cuz you're hot! The third one-" he got interrupted by MrEgg coming in while singing to himself. "Oh hi Eggy~" Clover sad. "Oh hi Clover." MrEgg said, blushing. "Can you guys leave? Captain, Dum and I are trying to talk here." I said. "Oh of course Player. Also, for pick up lines you can always come to me. Bye." Clover said, leaving with MrEgg following him. "So, Captain, you have ideas?" I asked. "Oh, I would just tell him. Just confess to him! I'm sure he likes you back." Captain replied. "I'm sure he liked the kiss too." Dum said then snickered. "But what if he rejects me?" I asked. "If he does, I will STRANGLE HIM! Just like I did with Noob after your breakup." Dum said. "Hehe, thanks, but please let him live hehe." I said while chuckling. "I'm sure you will succeed Payer! I believe in ya!" Captain said cheerfully. "Thanks guys. Well, I'm gonna do my tasks now." I said. I then walked out.

Veteran's P.O.V.

I was in office, talking with Stoner and Furry, since they were the only meme alliance members who played in this lobby today. I decided to ask the two about confessing your love, since they got together a few weeks ago. "Uhh guys, memes aside for a moment, I wanna ask you guys this..." I said. Stoner and Furry listened. "I... I happened to fall for Player and I don't know how to ask him out." I said, blushing a bit. "Oh that's easy dude. Just go up to him and go like "Hey dude you're sexy" or... whatever..." Stoner said in his high af voice, since he was high af. "But I'm everything but flirty with my best friend/crush." I said. "Hey, what about just confessing. Just say what you feel about him. I'm sure that's the best solution." Furry said. "Ya think so?" I asked. Furry nodded. "I'm sure." They said. "Thanks guys, now let's meme again!" I said happily. 

A few games later, I decided to confess.

No P.O.V.

Veteran decided to confess. He found Player in the kitchen. "Hey Player." Veteran said. "Hey Veteran." Player replied. "Player... I need to tell you something..." Veteran said. Player, who was planning t confess this game, gasped then looked at Veteran. "I need to tell you something too." He said. "Ok, who's first?" Veteran asked. "Uhh... what about saying it at the same time?" Player suggested. Veteran nodded. "On 3. 1... 2... 3..."

Haha cliffhanger!!! I'm mean hehehe

~Not just a sore loser~ A Pleteran storyWhere stories live. Discover now