Weird dreams

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Veteran's P.O.V.

I was in decontamination. Suddenly, Player walked in. "Hey dude, how are ya?" I asked. "Good, but I gotta do something." Player replied. "Ok." I said. Player came closer to me. He pinned me to the wall then pulled out a knife. I gasped. "Heheh, wow, look how scared you are right now." Player said. His tone sounded rather seductive than evil. I blinked confused. Player put the knife on my neck and slid slowly, making me shiver at the feeling. Player chuckled. He then pulled his knife away. I saw a little bit of blood on the knife. My blood. I wasn't that scared anymore though. Something in me told me to just let it happen. Player cupped my cheek. "You know what, I'm not gonna kill ya, but I am gonna do this instead."  He said smirking. "W-what?" I asked. Player then kissed me, slowly, but passionately. I kissed back. His lips tasted like strawberry. Hm. Hot. Player put his tongue into my mouth while he pressed his body against mine. We suddenly got interrupted by an emergency meeting. 

"It's Veteran! I think I saw him vent!" Gnome said. "No its not me-" I tried to defend myself. "I'm sorry Vet..." Player said. Everyone voted me and I got ejected. They threw me off the balcony. The last thing I saw was the sadness in Player's face, then suddenly a dark smile. I looked beneath me and saw the hard ground coming closer real fast. But then...

I woke up in my bed. What kind of dream was that? I wondered. Player kissed me?! And- what the hell? I decided to join the lobby to think some more, since it was pretty hot in my room. Thanks summer. 

When I joined, I saw I was alone. No one else had joined yet. I thought of the dream. What a weird dream... it looked realistic too. Also, why did I enjoy it so much? It's weird! Am I this much in love with Player? I sighed. Well, if I am, then I need a way to confess my love for him. 

Player's P.O.V.

I just woke up. I groggily sat up and vaguely remembered a dream in which Veteran and I kissed. I'm not good with remembering dreams. Well, the No-Visor ones were very vivid, but since I defeated No-Visor, I couldn't remember my dreams that much anymore. I decided to join the lobby cuz why not?

When I joined, I saw Veteran. He seemed deep in thought. Hm, what's wrong? Should I ask it? I wondered. "Hey Vet, are you ok?" I asked. Veteran looked up. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm ok! But I had such a weird dream! We-" Veteran stopped. "We... what?" I asked. "Never mind. You probably are gonna find it too weird." Veteran sighed. "No, you're not weird, Veteran. And my dreams have been so much worse. I'm sure whatever your dream was, will never be s weird as my No-Visor dreams." I reassured Veteran. "Ok." Veteran said. He inhaled and exhaled slowly. He then started talking. "I was in decom, then you came in and I asked how you were. You said you were good but had to do one thing, then pinned me against the wall. You slid on my throat with your knife, ready to kill me, then you decided not to and kiss me instead. Then there was a meeting and everyone thought I was sus, so I was ejected. The last thing I saw was your sad face that turned into a dark smile, then I woke up right before I hit the ground." Veteran explained. "Wow, hats weird... I... I had a dream of us kissing too... I can't remember more than that." I said, feeling my head heat up. "Wow, what a coincidence... heh..." Veteran said awkwardly, also blushing. 

Some more people joined. TheGentleman and MrCheese joined too. "Hey dumdums." MrCheese said. "Hello." I said. "Yo cheese dude." Veteran said. 

A few minutes later, I decided to start the game because Captain wasn't there. 

I spawned in the cafeteria. I was a crewmate. I went to Veteran  and we went to do our tasks. 

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