Chapter 8

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-Dawn's POV-

I woke to see Leina staring down at me.

"Hey baby girl," I whispered, and she smiled a little more.

"The High Lord wants us to dine with him tonight," she said as I sat up.

"Did I really tell them everything?" I asked, hoping I hadn't but Leina nodded.

"Come on, let's get ready, they have left us clothes," she told me with a grin as she jumped off the bed.

I chuckled as I got up, following Leina to the vanity. We pulled on some smart and comfortable clothes, I had a matching top and pants that bellowed at the sleeves and legs and as I walked revealed the smallest slither of skin. Leina had a pair of black pants and a soft cream jumper.

Once she had dressed, I brushed out and plaited her hair before doing the same for my own.

Leina took my hand and dragged me downstairs, I really wanted to know how she knew her way around this place, because I still didn't.

"Hello," the High Lady said, smiling at us.

There were two spare seats, next to each other Leina sat next to Morrigan leavening me to sit the other side of her.

"Are you ok Dawn?" The High Lady asked from where she was sat opposite me.

"Yes," I replied and Mor's eyes narrowed.

"About what you said," the High Lord started but I cut him off.

"What about it, there is nothing to say, it happened a long time ago." I snapped, the candles on the table flickering in response to my anger.

I froze, willing my body to chill the heck out before I caused another light show. Leina was looking at me with concern on her face, she was seven, I was twenty, I should be the grown up here, not her, I should bare the weight of the stress, not her.

Before another word could be uttered five males, clad in black, appeared round the table. The one behind the High Lord was the one that followed me.

The High Lord stood, darkness seeping out of him. While he was assessing the situation, I pushed Leina under the table and motioned for her to stay put and stay silent.

"Who are you," He demanded.

"We don't care for you High Lord, we came for the girl," the one stood behind me said.

"Which girl?" Morrigan asked.

"The girl of light," they said as they all walked around to me.

"No," I breathed.

"Come with us quietly and the ones you love will not be harmed," the male in the middle said, holding his hand out.

"If I go, you will leave everyone in this room alone?" I asked, he nodded in confirmation.

I looked around the room once, taking in everyone's faces before I took a deep breath, reaching out and grabbing his hand and darkness gathered us up.

-Azriel's POV-

Mine. Mine. Mine.

As Dawn's eyes met mine one last time it hit me like a physical blow.

Mate, my mate.

"No!" I roared at where she had just been stood.

Mor lifted a sobbing Leina out from under the table as I tried my hardest to not unleash all of my power in one go.

"Az!" Feyre yelled and I turned to look at them.

"Breathe," Rhys told me, the High Lord starting to come out.

"She's my mate," I breathed, and all of their eyes widened.

"We will get her back," Feyre told me, taking a step towards me, and grasping my hand.

"Leina, you are officially under my care, we will get your sister back," Rhys said to the sobbing girl who was holding onto Mor like she was a lifeline.

Mor walked out and I heard her go up the stairs, presumably to help calm Leina down somewhere quiet.

"I just let my mate get taken, right under my nose," I snarled as I began to pace.

"I did too and look how that turned out, we will get her back," Feyre told me, crossing her arms.

"Do we tell their mother?" Cassian asked.

"I'll go," I told them, not giving them a chance to say anything before I walked out.

I realised as soon as I left the room I didn't know where Dawn lived, I asked my shadows to go and find out for me while I began walking the streets.

'Two doors down from Nesta's old home to the right.' They whispered and I thanked them as I began to walk.

I knocked on the door and to my surprise it opened as I did so.

"Hello," I called out.

I got no reply, and I got my magic and blades ready, something was wrong here.

I stalked through the house, checking every room. I stopped short when I got to one of the two bedrooms upstairs.

'Rhys, we have a rather large problem,' I called down the bridge I knew Rhys set up as soon as I had left the manor.

'What?' He asked straight away.

'I'd get here, you need to see for yourself.' I said back, I had no words to describe this.

"Holy shit," he breathed as he appeared next to me.

"They must have come here first to look for Dawn, when they didn't find her, they came to us, how they knew she would be there I have no clue." I said, walking over to the body of Dawn and Leina's mother.

"The magic, they must have tracked it to us," Rhys said, realisation crossing his face.

"What do we do?" I asked him.

"Tell Leina about her mother, we can't keep this from her, then find dawn and stop those males from doing whatever they are planning." Rhys said, face defiant.

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