Chapter 15

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-Azriel's POV-

I didn't like what we were doing, Rhys was sending Dawn Under the Mountain on her own!

I tried to talk both of them out of it, but it didn't work, she was going to that cauldron forsaken place, and I couldn't go with her.

Rhys winnowed her away and I began to pace. Even when Rhys came back and with my shadows wrapped around her for comfort and protection I couldn't stay still.

It wasn't long before I felt the bond flicker. I roared.

-Dawn's POV-

Rhys winnowed me to the top of the mountain. I sat down and crossed my legs, Azriel's shadows wove though my hair and round my neck as I sent a wave of power out.

I didn't take Amarantha long to appear.

"I must say, I though you would look like more," she commented, looking me over as I stood.

"Well, you're looking pretty good for a dead person," I shot back.

She laughed, the sound like nails on a chalk board.

"Tell me child, do you agree to work for me, or do I have to start convincing you?" She asked, stalking closer.

"I will never work for you, not after you hurt my family." I snarled, light wrapping around my body.

"Shame, I think we could have been friends." She smirked before grabbing me by the neck and winnowing us below the mountain.

I didn't even know my wings had materialised until she shoved ash wood spikes through them, pinning me to the wall.

I screamed, it hurt so much. Illyrian wings were so sensitive and now mine were broken.

I never learnt how to fly, I wasn't allowed, I wanted to so badly but now I wouldn't be able too.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, breathless.

"Revenge of course niece." She hissed.

I froze, I was not related to this monster.

The inner circle appeared a moment later and I hung my head in shame, I was related to the person who tortured them all for fifty years.

I heard Rhys curse at her but when I dared to glance up, she was gone.

They all rushed over, Azriel holding my body up so the pressure wasn't on my wings.

As each ash spike was removed, I couldn't help but scream before I fell limp against Az.

"It's ok, I've got you," he whispered as he stroked my hair.

"My wings," I sobbed.

"Hush now, it's ok," he whispered.

The pain was unbearable, and my head was so fuzzy that I allowed the darkness at the back of my mind to talk over.

-Azriel's POV-

She fell limp in my arms, and I panicked, I knew Madja could help with her wings, but we needed to get out of here.

Feyre noticed that I was losing my mind and came to my rescue, kneeling down in front of me.

"Give her to me Az so I can take her back home," she told me gently.

I didn't want to let her go but I knew I wasn't in the right mind set to help her right now.

I handed her limp body to Feyre who promptly winnowed away.

Rhys and Cass hauled me to me feet, both of them looking beyond worried.

"You're plan was shit," I snapped at Rhys.

"You think I don't know that!" He snapped back.

I snarled at him, and he backed away a step.

"Go to your mate Az, Leina will need someone until she wakes," Cass told me, and I knew he was right, I winnowed home.

"Azriel!" Leina yelled, running for me.

"Hey," I said lifting her and setting her on my hip, there were unshed tears in her eyes.

"Where is she L?" I asked gently, she just pointed to a door.

I nodded and walked us both in there.

She was laying on her stomach, her wings spread out behind her, both bandaged. Madja was talking to Feyre but stopped when she saw me.

"She will be ok with rest Shadowsinger," Madja told me before leaving.

'Feyre, I know this is probably a lot to ask but could you move Leina's bed in here so she can stay with her sister, I know she won't want to leave her.' I asked her mind, knowing she set up a link as soon as she saw me.

'Of course I can Az,' she replied, looking at the little girl now asleep in my arms.

A bit of magic later Leina's bed was along the opposite wall to Dawn's. I lay her down and tucked her in before sitting next to Dawns bed and waiting. 


I know, I am a horrible person for not updating in so long then only writing a short chapter with not much action. 

I finish school for the holidays next week so I will have more time on my hands, so more updates! Thank you for being patient. x

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