Chapter 9

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-Dawn's POV-

The male who's hand I had taken let me go the second we were set down. I backed away from him as I looked around, we were in a cave of some description.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"We want you to be our weapon," the male told me.

"Why and no, I can't fight, who even are you?" I snarled at him.

"Your powers are great, we will train you, as for who we are, you will find out eventually." He told me before vanishing once more.

I let out a scream of frustration, there was no way out of this cave, I couldn't winnow, couldn't escape, get back to my sister.

Exhaustion hit me hard and I stumbled over to the cot in one corner, laying down and very quickly going to sleep.

The next three days followed the same pattern, wake up, get a breakfast of stale bread and cheese, try to learn how my magic works, fail, get beaten as my punishment, eat lunch of more stale bread, try, and do magic again, still fail, get beaten again, eat some more stale bread sleep repeat.

On the fourth day I had managed to make the light from the candle in front of me flicker and I was impressed with myself, until the fourth of the five males appeared.

"The Spymaster is getting closer, we must go now," he told the leader, who was glaring at me.

I kept my eyes on the candle, not once have I looked at their faces because they make me want to scream and I need to stay calm, I can't lose control if I'm calm.

My face was grasped, and the leader forced me to look into his eyes, I felt like I had been put in a trance, that nothing mattered anymore.

My hand was taken, and I was winnowed to a cliff that overlooked Velaris

"Destroy the city," the leader hissed into my ear, and I held my hand out, drawing all of the light towards me.

Thousands of orbs span around my waist and lifted me into the air, letting me hover over the edge of the cliff and float towards the city. Red magic lashed out for me, and I sent a couple of the orbs to intercept it, blowing it up before it could reach me.

"Blow up the rainbow," the leader yelled, and I held my hand out towards it.

Before I could do anything, a winged figure appeared in front of me, I blinked, I knew this person.

"Dawn," he yelled.

Dawn, that was my name, I had a name.

"Dawn, look at me, do you recognise me?" The man asked.

I blinked a couple of times, I did, why did I know him?

"My name is Azriel," he told me, coming a little closer.

I blinked again, Azriel, I knew Azriel, the shadowsinger.

"Don't do this Dawn," he said, a tear sliding down his cheek.

The sight of it was enough to snap me out of whatever trance I had been put in. I remembered Azriel, the kind male who had taken me in, who had been kind to my sister, who didn't judge me when I told him about my past.

"Azriel?" I whispered.

He nodded, coming a little closer. I was still hovering above the ground, orbs of light swirling around me.

I looked around, I had been about to blow up the rainbow, how could I have done that? I loved the rainbow.

Pure anger rushed through me as I turned to the cliff the five males had been stood on.

I sent every orb of light at them, not stopping even when I felt my body begin to feel light.

As soon as every orb had hit the cliff I began to fall, my body hit something solid and warm, and I was staring into Azriel's face before unconsciousness took over.

-Azriel's POV-

Shouts from the street told us that there was something going on, Mor stayed with Leina in the manor while the rest of us ran outside to see what the commotion was.

Orbs of light were being pulled from the streets and towards the far cliff.


What had they done to her?

She was floating in the air, her orbs of light spinning around her middle to make a glowing ring.

Cassian sent arrows of red at her, I yelled at him to stop but they didn't hit her, they exploded in the air.

"What are you doing?" Rhys yelled at me.

"I'm going to talk to her," I growled at him before winnowing to Dawn and hovering in the air in front of her.

"Dawn!" I yelled.

She blinked a couple of times, like she was trying to clear her head.

"Dawn, look at me, do you recognise me?" I asked, this was not my mate in control.

She squeezed her eyes closed once more before shaking her head slightly.

"My name is Azriel," I told her as I flew a little closer to her.

She frowned, like she recognised the name, and she was trying to figure out why.

"Don't do this Dawn," I begged, not daring to stop the tear that ran down my cheek.

Her eyes widened.

"Azriel?" She whispered, like she wasn't sure.

I just nodded, getting as close to her as I dared.

She looked around as she seemingly tried to figure out what was going on when she did, she looked nothing but angry as she turned to the cliff where the five males were all watching.

She sent the light spinning around her into the cliff, every single orb until she had nothing to hold her up and she was falling.

It was second nature to catch her and hold her close to me, she stared into my eyes for a second before falling limp in my arms.

I didn't waste time by flying back to the manor, I winnowed down to the street to see my family already waiting for us.

"What happened?" Rhys asked me.

"It, it was like she was in a trance of some sort, she didn't even seem to recognise her own name." I told him as I walked inside.

I lay her gently on her bed in the manor and I felt Rhys's mind latch on to hers though the bond I had with her.

Dawn's back arched as her mouth opened in a silent scream. I wanted to slap Rhys for hurting her, but Feyre put a hand on my arm, and I saw that he was panting slightly and sweat was sliding down his face.

Once she fell limp once more Rhys staggered over to a chair and sat.

"Do I even want to know?" Feyre asked.

"Whatever those things are they held her very self, I just had a battle with them inside her mind for control, I won and therefor she is now in control of her own body and mind again, I think because you are her mate Az, she was able to break free for a little while." Rhys told me; I dipped my chin.

"You're my mate?" I heard Dwan breath from behind me.

We all whirled to see her laying there, wide eyed. Shit.

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