Chapter 16

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-Dawn's POV-

I flicked my eyes open and was met with the wall of my room in Feyre and Rhys's manor.

I tucked my wings in, ignoring the ache and sat up.

What I saw on the other side of the room made me smile. Az and Leina were asleep on a second bed, his wing covering her like a blanket.

I stood and walked over, I realised the Az was awake when his eyes flicked to me.

"Do I want to know why you are acting as a blanket and teddy right now?" I whispered.

"In the middle of the night Leina woke up in tears and begged me to stay with her. So I did." He whispered back, I smiled.

"Thank you," I said softly before kissing the top of his head.

I went and made us both tea, glad to see that Leina was awake when I returned.

We all sat on my bed, me and Az happily drinking while Leina chatted away about how cool Mor was.

"You know L, Mor is technically your aunt," Az told her with a soft smile.

"Really! That is so cool," she gasped.

She got up and ran out, I heard a door down the hall open followed by Leina shouting.

"Mor, did you know that you were my aunt!" Followed by Mor's half awake groans.

Both of us burst out laughing.

An hour later we were all gathered round the dining table. Leina was with Elain in the garden.

"Which one of you thought that telling Leina I was her aunt at a stupid time was a good idea?" Mor asked, point her knife at us.

"Leina was telling us how cool you were so Az told her that you were technically her aunt." I explained.

"All is forgiven," Mor decided rather quickly, causing the rest of them to burst out laughing.

I knew I had to tell them what I had found so I took a deep breath.

"I need to tell you what I found out yesterday," I whispered.

All eyes turned to me, and I looked at the plate in front of me to avoid their gaze.

"Whatever it is, it will be ok," Azriel reassured, taking my hand in his.

"I'm Amarantha's niece," I breathed, waiting for Feyre or Rhys to tell me to get out of their home, their court.

That didn't happen though, Feyre walked round the table, so she was next to me and crouched, pulling me into a hug.

I sobbed into her shoulder, I didn't want to be related to the bitch who ruined their lives.

"The family you were born into does not define you," Feyre told me gently once my tears had eased.

I mutely nodded.

"Now what do you say about ending her once and for all?" Rhys asked.

"Oh I'm down," I replied, causing more laughter to erupt.

Unbeknownst to Amarantha our plan worked yesterday. Amren found the spell that Hybern used to track Rhys's magic in the war, and we used it on her, allowing us to pinpoint her exact location.

She was camping out in the Illyrian Steeps, far away from any camp, apparently no patrol would find her there either.

After another dose of faebane antidote and the anti-spell paste Rhys winnowed us into battle.

-Azriel's POV-

I was more than ready to kill Amarantha for all she had done to my family, my mate, but I knew it was Dawn's killing blow.

Amarantha looked surprised for less than a second before smirking at us.

"Oh you are clever," she hissed at us.

"I have questions for you, and you will answer them truthfully." Dawn said, stepping forwards.

"I'm sure you do darling niece," Amarantha taunted.

"You keep calling me that, but I don't believe that I am," Dawn hissed at her.

"Did you never wonder where your mother got her red hair from, she got it from my mother. She was older than she let on, born just before the war five hundred years ago. I raised her until she left me for her mate, an Illyrian of all things, but I'm glad she had you, your powers are unique and will be your downfall." She told Dawn, crossing her arms.

"And what is my magic?" Dawn asked, cocking her head to the side.

"You are a rarity, in Hybern magic is practically non-existent, our family has a little, but not much. you my dear are the opposite of your mate, he controls the shadows, the darkness that you create with your light." She told her, watching for her reaction.

"You are not my family," she growled.

"Then you are alone." Amarantha snarled.

"I am not alone, Azriel is my mate, Feyre, Amren and Mor my sisters, Rhys and Cassian my brothers, because true family are the ones that help you when you are at your lowest, the ones that stand by you when you aren't sure who you are anymore, not just whose blood you were born into," Dawn declared, head held high.

"Pathetic," Amarantha spat.

"No, I'm not pathetic, I never have been, and I never will be because I have people who will help me stand again and again, the only pathetic person I see here is you." She said, eyes narrowing.

I knew what she was doing, my shadows were going crazy, I just had to wait for her signal.

Amarantha opened her mouth to spit some more unwelcome words, but she didn't get the chance, Dawn exploded into light, sending it crashing into her.

Amarantha's screams filled the clearing as the smell of burning flesh wafted over. 

I felt the bond waver and I lunged for my mate, but my shadows held me back.

When the light cleared Amarantha was little more than ash, and Dawn was limp on the ground.

I ran for her, pulling on the bond again and again, begging her to stay. 

Feyre took her from my arms and winnowed away again, this time I didn't hesitate before following her.

Madja was already in the manor waiting but wouldn't let me stay with her, telling me to look after a sobbing Leina. 


To make up for a lack of updates in the past month, enjoy.

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