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Kaminari exclaimed around his food as he gobbled up his meal prepared by the (H/C) haired girl

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Kaminari exclaimed around his food as he gobbled up his meal prepared by the (H/C) haired girl. "(L/N), how do you do this? It's, like the best thing I've ever tasted!"

Uraraka beside him agreed and nodded with comical streams of tears ran down her face in delight. "I can die happy now."

They were currently in the common area, and (Y/N) was currently cooking up her lunch when the duo saw her and begged her to feed them. So here they were now, eating up food in the dining area like a bunch of starved to death fools.

(Y/N) merely rolled her eyes and pocketed her hands in her (F/C) trench coat. "You two say that about everything I make, and it's because you two live on convenience store bread and instant noodles otherwise."

The subtle insult was either purposely ignored or it just fell on deaf ears, because the duo still continued to eat like their life depended on it.

"Ah, by the way," the brunette spoke up after swallowing a bite of her food. "Where are you going, (Y/N)? You're dressed up," she pointed out.

Kaminari then added with slightly widened eyes, "Dude- You're literally going out just after a few days of that traitor incident and that crazy agent accusing you? Are you even allowed to? You're gonna get kidnapped I tell you- Ack!" He stopped in his tracks and rubbed his arm with a wince. The vibrant blonde turned to the shorter beside him, who just slapped his arm. "What gives?!"

"Don't joke like that," she huffed, pink cheeks puffing out in distress. "I don't even want to think about what happened last week. That government agent is kinda scary."

"Yeah, man. Talk about angry bulldog vibes."

Oh, he's not going to be near UA anytime soon.

(Y/N) leaned her weight on one foot and replied with no concern at all, "Me and Jirou are assigned this month to get groceries for the dorm's necessities. Don't sweat about it too much."

"Oh, yeah, I remember. Now that I think about it, I forgot when I'm scheduled." Uraraka looked up slightly with a thoughtful look on her face as her chopstick poked her cheek. Then not even seconds later, she turned to her (H/C) haired friend and said, "Still, you two be should careful. UA's getting into some type of crazy trouble lately."

The vibrant blonde nodded, hair slightly bouncing due to the action. "Yeah, and, beware of kids that are armed with pebbles nearby playgrounds. That's some dangerous stuff right there- They are your worst enemy."

Uraraka stared at him before blinking a few times, "That's... too specific."


While Kaminari readied himself for another rant about how kids have inner demons that needs to be exterminated, (Y/N) ignored the two and turned around when somebody called her name.

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