Chapter 46 - New Guild Members

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Lucy's POV

With every step towards the guild, I was getting more and more anxious. Natsu and Happy managed to drag me all the way back to Magnolia but ever since I stepped foot in the city, I've been slightly regretting my decision. What if they're angry at me for leaving and was coming back really the best decision? "Are you sure this is the right thing to do? I mean, what if they're angry at me? Or what if coming back was the wrong decision?" I asked while Natsu continued to drag me towards the guild. His grip tightened slightly as I said those words.

"I'll protect you" Natsu growled quietly, without looking at me, but I heard him clearly. His words caused a bright red blush to dust my cheeks. "Natsu's right. If anyone tries to attack you, they'll get a taste of my fish and Natsu's fist!" Happy said with a cute, determined face. I could imagine Happy swinging a fish around in a fight. "And besides, I'm sure everyone is really worried about you" he added with a smile.

After he said that, I noticed we were nearing the guild. The guild was completely rebuilt. It was bigger and looked like a mini castle. "Wow" I muttered as I stared at the new and improved guild. "Lucy!" I heard two people shout my name when we entered the doors. I looked towards the voices and saw Erza and Gray running towards us, or more specifically me. They both looked relieved to see me.

As soon as they got near us, Natsu stepped in front of me to stop them from coming closer. Gray glared at Natsu while Erza kept her focus on me. "We're so glad you've come back Lucy. We found your letter and we were about to send out a search party for you" Erza said. The rest of the guild crowded around us but didn't come closer because of Natsu.

I was surprised by Erza's words. I had explained my reason for leaving in my letter so I didn't expect them to search for me. "You were?" I questioned and she nodded. "Yeah, we weren't going to let you leave the guild over a stupid thing like that. No one blames you for the Phantom Lord incident and even if more people come to attack you then Fairy Tail will fight by your side because we always protect our family" Gray replied. Everyone else in the guild nodded their head or smiled in agreement. In my letters to the guild and Happy, I may have left out the part about my dragon brother Ignia but their kindness warms my heart. Natsu is the only person who knows about Ignia.

I patted Natsu's hand on my wrist to ask him to let me go. Without looking back at me, he took my subtle signal and let go of my hand but stepped behind me to make sure I didn't escape. I inwardly sighed at his actions, but it made me happy. "I'm sorry for trying to leave. I honestly thought it was for the good of the guild" I apologised to the guild. "Well it wasn't, so don't try it again. Family stick together" Gajeel said which made me smile before turning it into a smirk. "Did you just call us family Metal Breath?" I teased. He scoffed, "shut up Salamander" he said but I saw the blush on his cheeks. Everyone laughed at our exchange but quickly went quiet when Gramps walked up to me with his hands behind his back.

He looked up at me with a bright smile. "I'm glad Natsu and Happy managed to convince you to come back" he said. I shrugged, "it was less convincing and more dragging against my will" I replied and he chuckled. "Despite the details, I'm glad you've decided to return" he said.

"By the way, I received news from the Magic Council that Phantom Lord was disbanded, and Jose was stripped of his title as a Wizard Saint. So there's no need to worry about Phantom Lord anymore. Also, while you were gone, we recruited a couple of new members. You'll recognise them" he added. "Really who?" I asked as I tilted my head. I wonder who he was talking about. "Me, sweetheart" a familiar voice spoke up. I inwardly groaned at the familiar nickname before spotting Kaito leaning his back against the guild bar. He pushed himself off the bar and walked towards me. Natsu growled and glared at him. I guess he had no clue about this either. "And me" his navy blue exceed Kyan added as he flew beside Kaito. I noticed the rest of the guild weren't too happy to see them, especially Kaito.

"Gramps, have you gone senile? They're from Phantom Lord" I complained. "Remember what I've taught you. Yesterday's enemy can be today's friend...and besides, there's another reason he wanted to join Fairy Tail" Gramps replied with a smirk towards me. "He's right" Kaito said before standing right in front of me. I expected him to attack me but he surprised me by grasping my hand and going down onto one knee. "I've fallen in love with you, Lucy Heartfilia" he announced with his other hand over his heart. "What?!" I exclaimed with the rest of the guild except for Natsu, who growled, and Gramps, who stayed silent.

In less than a second, Kaito was punched in the face away from me by a black flaming fist. Natsu growled threateningly while retracting his fist. "Saw that one coming" Gramps commented before walking away. "Don't destroy my guild hall" he said to us as he walked towards his office.

I sighed, Gramps is right. Everyone deserves a second chance and besides, I know Kaito has some good in him. He's probably like Juvia when she was a part of Phantom Lord. A good person on the wrong path. "If Gramps is fine with it, then so am I" I shrugged as I walked over to where Kaito crashed. I held my hand out to him to help him up. He looked up in surprise, but it quickly turned into a smile as he accepted my hand. I helped him to his feet and smiled back.

"Thank you for giving me a chance, sweetheart" he said before bending down and kissing the back of my hand. As soon as his lips faintly touched my hand, he was punched away from me again. I didn't need to turn around to know who punched him...again. Natsu growled behind me and then dragged me by my wrist to the second floor. "Natsu, I'm not allowed on the second floor" I said, trying to pull back on his grip. "Oh you didn't know, Lucy? Everyone's allowed on the second floor now" Mira said as we passed her at the bar. "Oh" was all I could say before Natsu dragged me upstairs. He sat me down at his and Happy's table before sitting right beside me. Happy soon joined us after Mira gave him a fish.

For the rest of the day, I read a novel beside my two best friends. Kaito tried flirting with me a few more times while I was reading but Natsu always punched or kicked him away. Thanks to Natsu I could read what happens to Alexandra and Peter with very few interruptions.

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