Chapter 28 - Natsu vs Laxus

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Natsu's POV

I kicked open the double doors of Kardia Cathedral with a roaring bang. The first thing I noticed was Lucy sitting beside Laxus who has his arm over her shoulders. Her arms were chained up with seal stone cuffs behind her back and another pair around her ankles, restricting her movements. She looked strong and firm, but I could tell there was a bit of fear and discomfort behind her eyes. "Natsu!" she called out in relief to see me, but I was busy glaring at Laxus as he turned his attention to me.

"Look who's here. I've been waiting for you to show up Chaos" he said with a small smirk and I growled. Now I see why I never got trapped in any of Freed's enchantments and why he hid Lucy with him. He has been waiting for me. "Don't touch her" I growled as I stomped towards them. He ignored my threat and grabbed Lucy's jaw, turning her head to face him. "You know, it's pathetic that Evergreen lost and sad that I lost the rest of my hostages but on the bright side, Blondie here wouldn't be good company if she was a stone statue" he said, looking at me before disgustingly licking Lucy's cheek. She scrunched her face up in disgust and tried to move away but he had a firm grip on her jaw. I growled under my breath at the way he touched her. "When I take over Fairy Tail, I will need a queen by my side" he said as the smirk on his face grew. I felt something snap inside me. He's not taking Lucy away from me!

I charged toward him with a fist raised covered in black flames. He stood up calmly and took a few steps forward, ready for my attack. "Chaos Dragon Iron Fist!" I chanted as I leapt and threw my fist down at him. He blocked my attack with his arm. "Too slow" he taunted and then punched me in the face with his lightning fist. I skidded back and then held my ground. "Chaos Dragon Roar!" I chanted and a roar of black flames burst out of my mouth. "Lightning Dragon Roar!" Laxus challenged with a roar made of lightning. Both magic collided and made a huge explosion.

"Natsu!" I heard Lucy shout in worry before the blinding light of the explosion faded away. "Get me out of these and let me help you!" she shouted, determined to help. I was hesitant to break her out of her bonds because she could get hurt during the fight but she's more at risk with all the stray magic energy flying around. "You think I'll let you?" Laxus said raising his arms up as blinding yellow lightning danced around his body like crazy. A few bolts strayed from his body and aimed at me. With a few quick side, back and front flips, I dodged every single one of them, only missing them slightly.

Once I found an opening, I closed the distance and engaged him in hand-to-hand combat. The lightning around him faded as he fought back. "You gotta do better than that" he taunted, and I growled. That cocky attitude of his is really starting to get on my nerves. "Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder, plunge from the heavens and reap destruction! Raging Bolt!" he chanted as he raised his clenched fist in the air and then threw it downwards. A large ball of lightning then descended from the air towards me. I couldn't let that touch me, but I didn't have enough time to cast something that big to destroy it. Instead, I took a large leap back to avoid getting touched by Laxus' attack.

I didn't get a moment to rest as a large lightning bolt hit me from the side, knocking me to the floor. Laxus' sadistic laugh burst from the lightning bolt as it zig-zagged it way around back towards me. I realised the lightning bolt was Laxus as he punched my stomach while I was down. The floor behind me cracked under the force of his punch. His whole body was electrified and he was zipping all over the place, so I had no idea where he was going to attack from next.

I immediately jumped to my feet despite my stomach screaming in pain from his earlier attack. As soon as I stood up straight, Laxus zapped back and forth, punching me over and over again all over my body from different directions. I couldn't find an opening to attack back and I collapsed to my knees from the constant punches. "Natsu!" Lucy called out in worry as she saw me collapse. "Is that all you got, weakling?" Laxus taunted and that made me furious. 'Get up! I didn't raise you to be weak!' a memory of my father, Acnologia, popped up into my mind. "Never call me weak" I growled lowly as I felt my anger and magic boil inside of me. My skin heated up until I burst into an explosion of black flames. "Argh!" Laxus exclaimed as fell back from the blast and skidded across the floor towards Lucy.

Before he could stand back up, I raised a hand towards the ceiling and hundreds of small black fireballs ignited and floated above me. "Chaos Dragon Rain of Annihilation!" I chanted as I dropped my hand down in front of me, aiming at him. At the speed of light, the balls of fire shot down and rained upon him all at once. It looked like he was being attacked by hundreds of falling stars. He screamed in pain before he stopped moving. I walked closer to check that he would stay down. His body and clothes had minor burns but it looked like he won't be getting back up anytime soon. "Did you kill him?" Lucy asked worriedly and then I noticed him breathing. "He's not dead" I replied, sure he was down as I walked towards Lucy. She sighed in relief to know I didn't kill him.

I walked around her and kneeled down behind her, putting my hand on the cuffs around her wrists. "Did he hurt you?" I asked as I broke the cuffs with my magic. "No, he was just being a jerk" she replied. I was relieved to know she was unharmed. As I broke the cuffs around her ankles, she snapped her head up noticing something behind me. "Natsu, look out!" she exclaimed as she pushed me aside and stood up. She then punched Laxus in the face, who was trying to land a sneak attack behind my back. "That's for licking my face ya pervert" she said glaring at him as he fell backwards, and this time stayed unconscious. "That felt good" she said as she shook her hand loosely and then turned to me. "Let's go back to the guild. We still have a parade to prepare for" she said with a smile which almost made me smile...almost.

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