Chapter 13 - Apologies

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Lucy's POV

I'm so fired up! Today's the day, we get to meet some of the other guilds for the collaboration job Gramps was talking about. I was well rested since yesterday Levy and I spent the day in the guild library reading and talking about our favourite novels. It feels so good to relax while being immersed in a fictional world.

I hummed a tune while flipping some strawberry pancakes on the stove. The delicious aroma filled my entire apartment. As I was cooking, I smelt someone entering my apartment through the window and I immediately recognised the scent. "Morning Natsu!" I called out from the kitchen. I heard him growl back in a response and him sniffing the air. He followed the scent to the kitchen where I was. "Food" he demanded and then left the room to sit down at the dining table.

I ignored his poor manners for a moment and made another plate of pancakes. When I finished cooking, I brought both plates out but kept Natsu's plate out of reach before he could grab it. "What's the magic word you forgot to say earlier?" I asked like I was scolding a child. He glared at me and growled but I didn't let him faze me. Knowing he wouldn't get my cooking unless he gives in, he groaned and said "please." "Thank you and here you go" I said with a smile as I placed his plate in front of him.

As soon as the plate hit the table, he chowed down like he was starving for days. I sat down in the seat beside him and took a few bites of my pancakes. Suddenly I saw Happy zooming past my window and then flew back into view. "Hey Lucy have you seen-Natsu?! What are you doing here?!" Happy exclaimed. Natsu ignored him and continued to eat his pancakes. "Oh I see. He looooooves~ you" Happy teased which made Natsu snap his head up with a glare. Natsu got out of his seat and grabbed Happy's tail, shaking him up and down like a paddleball.

"Don't joke around" Natsu growled at Happy and then let go of his tail. "WAAAAAH Lucy!" Happy cried while flying right into my chest. "Natsu's being a big meanie" he cried as he hugged me. I gave Natsu one of my 'don't do that again or I'll beat you up' glares. "He was just joking Natsu. You didn't need to shake him like that" I said. Happy turned his head to Natsu and gave him a smirk. "Oooo Natsu, you're in trouble" he teased and then Natsu glared at Happy again. He grabbed Happy's head and peeled him off of me before throwing him out of the open window. "AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Happy cried as he was thrown across Magnolia. Without a word, Natsu shut the window and went back to his food.

"You didn't have to throw him out the window" I complained. He glanced up at me, "he should watch his mouth" he replied. I sighed, knowing Happy would be fine because he could fly, before finishing my breakfast in silence.

After putting away the plates, Natsu jumped out of the window while I left my apartment through the door. Surprisingly he waited by my front door for me. Before I could lock my door, he started walking towards the train station. Urgh the dreaded train. I followed after him, running a bit to catch up to him.

"Ah there they are" Erza said as she spotted us, beside her was Gray and Happy. "Natsu you need to say sorry to Happy" I scolded Natsu who just rolled his eyes. "What did Chaos do?" Gray asked curiously. "It was horrible! Natsu shook me like a ragdoll and threw me out of Lucy's window for no reason!" Happy whined. Erza and Gray glared at Natsu who glared back. Happy was being such a drama queen. "You little liar. He only shook you a bit and threw you out of my window because you were teasing him. You should apologise to Natsu" I said and Natsu whipped his head towards me like he didn't believe what I had just said. "Sorry Natsu" Happy whined, apologetically. "Even though you had a reason Natsu. You should apologise too" I said and Natsu growled a bit but then sighed. "Sorry Happy" he grumbled while looking away.

Gray's jaw dropped in shock. "You'll catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that Gray" I joked and he immediately closed his mouth. "Well now that everyone's here, lets board our train" Erza said and started walking towards the train. Natsu and Happy followed after her. I was about to follow after them until Gray's hand grasped my shoulder. "Hey Lucy um..." he started as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah Gray?" I replied, wondering what he wanted to tell me. "I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I did some thinking and I realised how bad it was. Plus, some of the girls explained it to me" he said and I smiled. "Thanks for apologising. I forgive you" I replied.

He smiled back, "thanks. By the way, I can't believe you made Chaos and Happy apologise to each other" he said. I shrugged my shoulders, "they're friends. So they shouldn't fight over something so trivial" I replied. Happy quickly flew over and grabbed my hand. "Natsu told me to fetch you" he said as he started dragging me towards the train. I noticed Natsu was waiting by the train doors for us with his arms crossed. Once he saw us coming, he stepped onto the train.

We gathered into one of the compartments. I sat next to the window with Happy and Natsu next to me while Gray sat across from me with Erza beside him. Soon the train whistled its departure and started rolling out of the station. My stomach instantly flipped like I was dying inside. "" I complained weakly. "We have an hour ride ahead of us" Erza said and I groaned. An hour?! I'll die by then! "I have an idea to help you Lucy. Gray switch seats with her" she said. Gray and I switched seats and I was half curious on how she was going to help my motion sickness. "Just relax" she said before I received a bone crushing punch to the gut and everything turned black.

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