Chapter 6 - Erza Scarlet

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Lucy's POV

We arrived back at the guild and as soon as we walked inside, everyone rushed to me. Natsu and Happy left to the second floor leaving me to deal with this crowd. They were all asking if 'Chaos' hurt me and how I survived being with him. "I'm one hundred percent fine everyone. Why are-" I was interrupted by someone slamming the guild doors open. "Erza's back!" the person shouted which I think his name was Max? The crowd around me dispersed and everyone sat back in their seats. They were acting like a teacher was about to walk in.

'Erza? The Erza Scarlet?!' I thought with excitement. I've read so much about her from Sorcerer Weekly. I heard Natsu growl and mutter "demon woman" from his seat on the second floor as he glared at the guild doors. He must not like her for some reason. Suddenly I heard the clanking of armour walking towards the guild. I turned to look at the guild doors and saw Erza walk in. She had an aura screaming confidence and strength. 'She's pretty' I thought as I admired her beautiful scarlet hair. "I have returned" she said.

"Welcome back Erza. How was the job?" Mira greeted as she walked up to her. "It went well. Did anything happen while I was gone?" Erza asked. "Nothing major except Chaos did bring us a new member" Mira replied. Erza became shocked, "Chaos brought someone to the guild? I would like to meet this person" Erza said and then Mira pointed to me. "Hi I'm Lucy" I introduced myself with a smile. "Nice to meet you Lucy. I'm Erza" she replied, returning a smile. "What kind of magic do you use may I ask?" she asked. "I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer" I replied. "Ah, so you're that Salamander I've heard so much about on my travels. Glad to have you in Fairy Tail" she said. "Thanks" I replied with a big smile. I'm glad everyone in Fairy Tail has welcomed me with open arms.

"Hey Erza, guess what" Happy said as he flew down towards us from the second floor. "Lucy took down a massive volcano monster all by herself" Happy added. "Really? I'm impressed, we should do a job together sometime" Erza said to me. "Definitely" I replied and then she walked further into the guildhall. I just noticed everyone was strangely quiet.

"Listen up. I heard a few things while on the road and word is that Fairy Tail has been causing trouble" Erza said and everyone stiffened. "Cana, control your drinking. Wakaba, stop smoking. Nab, why am I not surprised you're at the request board. Pick a job!" she scolded.

She sighed, and then Mira came over with a plate of strawberry cake. Erza's face brightened up immediately and then she took the cake from Mira's hand. She took a bite and moaned in delight. "I'm sorry to spring this on you Erza when you've just come back but there is a job request on the board specifically asking for you" Mira said. Erza and I turned to look at the request board and there was a job request with Erza's name in big bold letters on the top.

Erza walked over to the request board and pulled it off while holding her cake in the other hand. "It's from the town Rapier that I help a few months ago" she said as she read the request. "What kind of request is it?" Gray asked as he walked over. "They're asking for my help in getting rid of a dark guild that's terrorising them" she replied and then she looked between Gray and me. I wonder why she's looking at us like that. "How about you two come with me? It would make the job easier" she suggested. "Sure, I'm in" I replied, I couldn't wait to beat up some dark wizards. "Well since she's in, I'm in too" Gray said coolly as he put his hands in his pocket.

"Great now that that's settled. I want you two to meet me tomorrow morning at the train station at eight o'clock sharp" Erza ordered. "Yes ma'am" Gray and I replied and then Erza walked out of the guild. Probably to get some rest before our job tomorrow. Speaking of which I need to find a place to live.

"So Lucy, what are you planning to do now?" Gray asked. "Well, I'm thinking of finding a place to live. I haven't had a chance to look yet" I replied. "Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning. Oh, and in case you didn't know, Fairy Tail has a female dorm not far from here if you're interested" he said. "Thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind while I'm looking" I replied. "Cool, see ya Lucy" he said before walking towards the bar. "See ya Gray" I replied and then started walking towards the guild doors.

It took the rest of the afternoon but I finally found an apartment that I liked before it became dark. I love everything about it from the bathtub to the large floor space. It also has a cute retro fireplace and stove but my favourite part is my bedroom. The best part is that this place is 70,000J a month. A real steal if you ask me. Luckily, I was able to get furniture before all the shops closed so now my whole apartment is fully furnished as well.

Since I had to get up early tomorrow, I took a relaxing warm bath and changed into my long pink pyjamas. I packed my bag for tomorrow before slipping into bed. My new bed was so soft that it felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. I felt so comfortable that I drifted off the sleep with no problem.

The next morning, I woke up at six-thirty and got changed. I quickly made a stack of pancakes with strawberries on top in my kitchen and ate them. When I finished my breakfast, I grab my bag and then ran out of my apartment. I ran the whole way since I was running a bit late. I knew I shouldn't have eaten those last two pancakes.

When I arrived at the train station, I spotted Erza and Gray waiting for me at the entrance. "There she is" Gray said when he saw me running over to them. "I hope I didn't keep you two waiting" I said as I stopped in front of them. "No, you're right on time" Erza said and then I noticed a trailer of luggage parked right behind her. "So much luggage" I said surprised. "I like to be prepared for anything" Erza replied.

Suddenly I heard someone walking up behind me and I turned around to see Natsu standing behind me. "Hey Lucy!" Happy greeted happily as he hovered beside me. "Hey Happy" I greeted back with a smile. "What are you doing here Chaos?" Erza asked in a firm voice as she crossed her arms. Natsu glared at Erza, "I'm coming too" he growled. "Why would you want to come? I thought you hated working with others" Erza replied returning a glare of her own. Natsu growled and then put a hand on my head. "Ever since Chaos brought Lucy to the guild, he's been strangely close to her" Gray told her.

Erza put her hand on her chin in thought. "Well I guess we have no choice but to let him come along" she replied. Gray groaned in disagreement but didn't bother to object. "Alright, we better get moving. The train will be leaving in ten minutes" Erza said and then Natsu and I stiffened. My old enemy we meet again, motion sickness.

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