Chapter 1: The Creature

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Ranboo x Tubbo - Platonic!Husbands (angst, emotional manipulation, character death)

(!) Trigger Warning: trance-like state (!)

The eerie purple glow of two curiously wide eyes pierced the dark of the quiet house. Shadows danced across the creature's half-black half-white face as they stumbled through the moonlit room. A long, thin tail with a small ball of fur at the end swished lazily back and forth, careful to keep the being balanced. They slowly dragged themselves across the living room to the front door.

Empty eyes watched as the snow fell gracefully outside, creating a blissful, calming atmosphere that night. The only neighbor in the area was undoubtedly asleep at this hour. Their quaint, wooden cottage stood still on the frozen tundra, lit by a single cautionary lantern hung by the door.

But none of this registered with the poor enderman hybrid. His mind remained a blank slate, save for the ambiguous task that played over and over like a mantra. He would complete his task. He had to. The need to fulfill the strange urge was instinctual, running through his veins and gnawing at his bones. He was a vessel, a body to use by a mysterious, ancient drive embedded in his DNA. Tonight, he was a slave to his instincts, and for his master, he would be a perfect, loyal servant; it was in his blood.

Presently, coming up to just a few inches below the windowsill, stood a thin side table with basic décor. An ebony-black hand moved through the darkness to grasp an item sat on the table: a candle. The being inspected the wax object, turning it round and around in his hand.

Seemingly satisfied by his find, the creature placed the candle down, only to pick up another object: a lighter. With a faint click!, a small flame ignited at the end of the device.

A warm glow washed over the darkness, bathing the enderman hybrid in golden firelight. The creature seemed entranced by the delicate, little flame. For a moment, all he could do was watch as it flickered and danced, eyes wide with a hint of silent awe. He muttered something under his breath, and quickly went about lighting the candle. The flame took to the wick instantly, spilling even more light into the room. The being grunted, placing the lighter back down.

Slender fingers traced the outline of a journal left open and propped up on a book stand. A snow-white hand passed over the book, taking hold of a black-inked pen. He flipped a few pages to a fresh, white canvas, and began to write. At first glance, the words he wrote appeared to be nothing more than a series of shapes drawn across an empty page, but it was so much more. The text was the language of his ancestors, a proud yet obscure tongue few beings still practiced. He transcribed his thoughts onto the page, needing to only write a line or two before he was done. 

The creature blinked, blinked twice- Crash! Slam! The enderman hybrid whirled around, shoulders tense and body primed for battle. His head perked up in interest when he spotted the source of the noise. The book tower he had arranged on the kitchen table an hour prior had fallen to its death, leaving paper-bound corpses littered across the floor.

Well, that simply wouldn't do according to the creature. The mysterious being dawdled on over to the table, and began the process of rebuilding his book tower.

Unbeknownst to him, when the enderman hybrid had turned towards his books, his hand had knocked over the lit candle. The flicker of a flame, though small in size, held the destructive potential of a roaring flame. As the creature worked across the room, the tiny flame ventured off the wick and down to the table's surface. The heat licked at the wood until it blackened under a crisp burn.

It was only a matter of time now before the seemingly careless accident evolved into a dangerous, life-threatening blaze. The moon outside held its breath.

Get ready, 'cause things are about to get hot! (oooh that was bad, forgive me)

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Get ready, 'cause things are about to get hot! (oooh that was bad, forgive me).

Please accept this story as a gift for all the love and support while I was on hiatus. You all mean so much to me. <333

Vote to keep the Beloved Family safe! :)

[Image Credits] "Cloudy Moon at Night" (Cropped Slightly) by sagesolar

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[Image Credits] "Cloudy Moon at Night" (Cropped Slightly) by sagesolar


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