Chapter 10: Limbo

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(!) Trigger Warning: Panic attack (!)

Another explosion went off just outside the box that held him, jolting the goat hybrid out of dissociation. The boy's chest rose and fell in rapid succession as he panted, desperate for air. He was having another panic attack, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. The boy tried to escape from the loud bangs, but one step back and he hit the back of the wooden enclosure. He clawed at the two walls on either side of him, his nails scraping along the oak grooves of the crate. His mind was ablaze with terror, the perpetual fear of another explosion just about to happen-

A firecracker whizzed past the box and burst into a dazzling display of color. Tubbo screamed as he fell to the floor, eyes screwed tight and hands over his ears. Why couldn't he wake up? Why couldn't this nightmare end?

The last memory of life on the server flashed before his eyes as another firework shot off. There was fire...and snow...Something terrible had happened, but he couldn't quite pin down what it was. Then, there was Ranboo. The genuine angst swimming in his platonic husband's eyes jarred the goat hybrid to his core. Oh, gods! Tubbo's thoughts screeched. I- I was too late! They've gone and done it. The mutiny has begun!

With the silence following the ongoing violence, Tubbo dared to just barely open his eyes, only to close them upon seeing what stood before him. The wall in front of him was built half as tall as the others, giving the boy a view of the outside world. Usually, his surroundings were a never-ending white cursed with beautifully colored explosions, but today was different.

A dark, shadowy being loomed over the crate's half-wall, inviting Tubbo to greet them. The goat hybrid trembled in fear as he looked up at the mysterious creature. Their face was hidden by the hood of a black cloak, making their visage appear more like a void or a cosmic hole.

A raw, throaty cackle rang in Tubbo's ears as the being leaned closer to the boy. In a low, menacing tone, the dreamon hissed, "No one can hear you scream from here, Tubbo. No one will save you now." The creature dissipated in a vanishing cloud of smoke, leaving the troubled boy alone once again.

The goat hybrid whimpered as a tear ran down his cheek. It was never supposed to end like this, and yet all his meticulous planning had proved fruitless. Those who had promised peace had doomed him to die an eternal death, caught somewhere between limbo and hell. Tubbo's heart ached ad he yearned for his family's presence. He hoped with every fiber of his being that Ranboo and Michael had survived the attack; he'd never forgive himself if they'd died.

A chain of explosions rattled off at an alarming volume, prompting Tubbo into another panic attack. The goat hybrid bleated in agony as he cried out for his beloveds, but alas, they couldn't hear him- he was trapped in the depths of an unholy hell...

Will Ranboo be able to rescue his platonic husband?? 

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Will Ranboo be able to rescue his platonic husband?? 

And what is this mutiny Tubbo speaks of?? Vote to give Tubbo a hug!! <33 

As always, thank you for the reads and the support!! Y'all bring a smile to my face when I need it most. <3333

[Image Credits] Epic Fireworks image (Cropped Slightly) by Epic Fireworks (https://www

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[Image Credits] Epic Fireworks image (Cropped Slightly) by Epic Fireworks (

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