Chapter 34: Trust Me (Part 2)

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At first, Tubbo couldn't watch. He couldn't bear the idea of Ranboo burning to death right before his very eyes. It was sick, it was twisted,...and it broke the goat hybrid's heart. Back in the days of childhood, Ranboo had promised to never leave his side. They would be together forever, two platonic soulmates against the world. But they were running out of time. Alright, you can do this, Tubbo told himself. You owe it to Ranboo to at least...say goodbye...

Against every instinct telling him not to, Tubbo pried his eyes open to stare up at his husband's demise. What he saw there tore a soul through the goat hybrid's soul. Ranboo was on his knees, frozen in an open-mouth scream. The water was coming down quick, rushing into the enclosure like a relentless waterfall. Ranboo didn't stand a chance.


By some miracle, the enderman lifted his eyes, meeting Tubbo's with a deep sense of shock. The look must've meant something to the enderman because suddenly, the being was on his feet, mouthing some strange mystery word. It wasn't "I love you", that's for sure.

"What? What is he saying?!" the goat yelled to Philza.

"I don't know!" the man answered. "But it looks important! Think, Tubbo! Think!!"

Tubbo released a cry of frustration, holding his head in his hands. What could it be? What could it be?!


Ranboo cursed as his husband turned away, burying his head in his hands. He needed the goat hybrid to understand, otherwise Ranboo would die and The Eggpire would reign supreme. He needed his soulmate now more than ever...If he would just look back at the stage, he could move on with the plan!!

Ranboo cursed The Eggpire for taking his communicator the night before. It would've been so much easier if he could just send his soulmate a message, and- THAT'S IT!! If Ranboo's skin hadn't currently been burning and turning red, he would have jumped for joy.

The enderman waited as patiently as he could, the water now building up to his knees. Finally, finally, when Tubbo looked back to the stage, Ranboo had his chance.

"What's he doing, Phil? Is he- Has he lost his mind?"

"No, no," the Crow Father assured his son. "I think he's...he's writing something. Look!" 

Tubbo studied the way his husband's fingers glided across the glass surface, moving up, diagonally down to the right, then up again. "N!" he exclaimed. "He's writing the letter N!!"

Midnight Arson (Platonic! Ranboo x Tubbo)Where stories live. Discover now