Chapter 21: The Betrayal

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The Las Nevadas casino was the jewel of Quackity's empire, the crowning achievement of his political career. Fixed in the center of the bustling city, the building was lost amongst a sea of skyscrapers, but its importance was unmatched. The casino had an all-white exterior, and was held up by sixteen Corinthian columns, eight in the front and eight in the back. It inspired pride in the citizens of Las Nevadas, and was a source of income for the mayor.

The interior was split into two levels: the lower level, which housed the slot machines, and the upper level, which acted more as a town hall. A light breeze dusted with sand blew through the concrete pillars, from one side of the building to the other. The three figures stood on the vast checkered-marble floor paid it no mind, not when their futures were at stake.

With a smug look plastered on his face, Wilbur Soot traced his fingers along the armrest of Quackity's throne. "That being said, gentlemen," the Brit continued, "it's time to put our worries to rest. Tubbo has failed to return, which allows us to carry out our plan."

The man slowly reached inside his coat to unfurl a long, text-heavy document, inked on torn parchment. "If you'll sign here, please, our new constitution will go into effect."

Quackity was the first to approach, taking the bit of history into his hands as he signed. He passed the document over to Bad, who followed suit.

"Well done, Wilbur. I see you've kept all your promises," Bad remarked. "Tell me, with Tubbo being out of the picture, who lays claim over Snowchester? His husband?"

The deranged Brit chortled at the notion. "Absolutely not. That repulsive enderman works for me. I own Ranboo. Naturally, the kingdom would fall to me."

"That's not fair," Quackity griped. "You'd rule over two nations: yours and Tubbo's."

Wilbur scoffed. "Oh, what difference does it make, Quackity? My nation is the smallest. Adding Snowchester puts it on par with the rest of the server."

The mayor clenched his fists. "Maybe Las Nevadas isn't done expanding, Wilbur. Maybe Snowchester is just what I need to ensure my nation's safety from people like you."

"People like me? What is that supposed to mean?"

"He's right, Wilbur," Bad added coolly. "You've never been good at holding up nations. Don't you remember L'Manberg?" The demon hybrid shook his head in mock sorrow. "Certainly the worst failure of a country the server has ever seen."

"L'Manberg was NOT my fault!" the Brit shouted. "It was Dream and his ridiculous band of misfits! They tore it down, not me!"

"And yet you let it fall," Quackity said, his voice low with dark intent. "You know, I don't think you're fit to be president. Maybe it'd be better if we cut you out, for your own sake."

Wilbur stumbled a step back, his face falling into shock. "Wha- You're cutting me out?! After all I've done?!" he spluttered. "I'm the one who brought that sodding enderman under my wing. He was willing to kill his family under my influence."

Midnight Arson (Platonic! Ranboo x Tubbo)Where stories live. Discover now