Chapter 4: The Prison (Part 2)

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Dressed in only a stained, orange jumpsuit, the criminal approached the netherite wall. The man's once neatly trimmed hair fell just past his broad shoulders, his golden locks shaggy and unkempt. He carried himself with an air of esteemed arrogance, a dethroned imposter king without his crown. The man gave his visitor a wicked grin, one that promised pleasure in another's pain. The enderman hybrid was at a loss for words.

"Why, hello, Ranboo," Dream purred. "How have you been?"

The being glared at where he believed Dream's eyes to be behind his mask. "You know why I'm here, Dream," Ranboo said. "What kind of plans are you forming?"

The mastermind hummed as he leisurely rubbed the end of his chin. "I forgot to ask- how's the family?"

The creature's eyes went wide as rage clawed up into Ranboo's consciousness. He pointed an ebony finger at the masked man, and accused, "You were behind the attack on my family, weren't you?!"

Dream chuckled. "Yes, I did it," he admitted, a taunting tilt to his voice. "I set your house on fire. Although, I wouldn't say that's entirely true, Ranboo." The creature noticed that the eyes of Dream's smiley-faced mask were actually holes for him to see. Piercing green eyes stared up at the enderman hybrid, daring the creature to defy him. "I wasn't the one who lit the match."

Ranboo clenched his fists. He waved his journal at the deranged mastermind, and shouted, "You know, I'm tired of you thinking you can just manipulate me with words and send me on  enderwalks."

The masked man smirked. "Do you doubt that I can make you enderwalk, Ranboo?"

The sentient spluttered for a response. Denial had tunneled into his brain like a lethal parasite. The only man who had historically sent him into an enderwalk trance was Dream, but fear had always challenged those facts. Ranboo didn't want to believe that this man, the terrorist who'd incited multiple wars, could control him. Shivers ran down the humanoid's spine. Even the thought of becoming an impressionable zombie, sent him gasping for air.

"No, no. Of course you can't," Ranboo lied, nearing hysterics. The sentient dug his trembling fingers through his hair, hoping to slow the building panic. "You can't control me!"

"Can't I?" Dream trained his hunter-esque eyes on his newest victim. Slipping into the tongue of the endermen, he murmured, "Ranboo, why don't you walk to the edge of the box for me?"

The reaction was instant. Something primal snapped at Ranboo's core. The humanoid gasped as his heart seemed to drop in his chest. A dense fog clouded the being's mind, making it hard to form new thoughts. A bright, violet light leaked out of Ranboo's eyes, and suddenly, he wasn't Ranboo anymore- he was a slave, a mere pawn in an endless chess game. He lived to obey.

With rigid, stiff joints, the creature turned to face the sea of lava. He crept closer and closer to the edge, step after step until he reached the obsidian precipice.

*GASP* Will Dream let Ranboo fall to his death?!?!

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*GASP* Will Dream let Ranboo fall to his death?!?!

Vote to save our beloved enderman hybrid!!

And, as always, thank you to everyone who supports my work. Ily more than I love my pet chickens. <333

[Image Credits] "purple light trails" (Cropped Slightly) by gratuit (https://www

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[Image Credits] "purple light trails" (Cropped Slightly) by gratuit (

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