Chapter 24: The Battle

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Against all odds, Technoblade and Dream had made it to Las Nevadas. The two fugitives stormed across the sandy plains, and finally entered the diamond city. The warrior piglin sniffed the air, squinting his eyes as he tracked his prey. "Quackity's close by," Techno hummed. "He's this way-"

"Wait!" Dream grabbed the Blood God's wrist as he bent over, trying to catch his breath. "Just...Just wait a minute," the man huffed. "Don't you ever get tired?"

The piglin shrugged. "I mean, sure. Yeah, I used to. I figured I'll just sleep when I'm dead."

The warrior moved to continue his journey, but his arm was jerked back by his ally. "Techno, seriously! Wait!" Technoblade turned to face the ex-con; he raised an eyebrow in a silent question. "Okay, look," Dream said. "We don't know what we're walking into here. What if Quackity's gone off the deep end? What if Wilbur's dreamon is out of control? What if-"

"Dream, I want you to stop right there," Techno sighed. "Tubbo is dead, Ranboo is missing, and Philza is being possessed. Those psychopaths you allied with hurt my family, and now they're gonna pay."

"And I support that," Dream countered. "But what I'm saying is if, for some reason, Quackity or Wilbur or Bad somehow pulls that one percent scenario that we're not ready for, I could just call my friend-"

Techno raised his hand to silence his ally. "Save your friend, Dream. We're the top two PVP players on the server- we can handle literally any situation they throw at us. We're more than ready."

"Okay, but-"

"Come on, let's go." His mind made up, the warrior piglin was off, his partner trudging along behind him.

Dream knew whatever they were walking into would be a life-or-death moment, if Philza's condition was anything to go by. If anyone could conjure a way out of this potential hellscape, the ex-con knew his friend was it. He was hard to find, sure, but right now, he could be their only hope.

The two men creeped up the steps on the right side of the building, hiding behind a single column. Techno peeked around the corner, and glanced over his surroundings. "Looks like we've got company," the piglin mumbled.

Dream mirrored his partners actions and gasped. "Holy- Half the server's in there! And is that...Tubbo?"

"WHAT?! Where?!" The Blood God looked again, and nearly collapsed in shock. By the gods above, how the hell was Tubbo alive?! And was that Ranboo, and Wilbur?! Techno deafened the world around him as he tried to hone in on the conversation inside:

"Enough of this," Wilbur hissed. "We didn't come to watch two friends part ways; we came here to start a revolution- the dawning of a new era!"

Ranboo spoke next, his voice taking on a low growl. "I swear to you I will bury this city in nukes if you don't step down right now."

Then, with a hearty laugh, Tubbo added, "Finally! A way to start fresh! We wouldn't live to see it, but my gods, at least the new generation would have some peace."

Midnight Arson (Platonic! Ranboo x Tubbo)Where stories live. Discover now