Log 2: A Timeskip

43 6 16

This Log Is Set 3 Days After Log 1


"IG" : "Hello, umm if you haven't notice these Logs are kinda has a big Timeskip. Cause i underestimate the Yandere's, they have set up traps with Male's and then they used these human's called "Femboys". Yea, if i want to review this universe as if i can survive this for a year. I would be dead, no I would be get caught in a few months They Need To Just Know your routine and then bam you're goin to BRAZIL."

"Let Me Explain some of these Traps that they used on me, With "The Male Trap" they put the male in a specific location and then wait out until an unfortunate survivor try to help them, they try to help them by removing the tape then before they know it. Sedation or Just Full Out Knock Out, The Female's uses mostly sedative , because.... to quote them as i heard them caught an unfortunate soul, "We Use Sedation, so we don't hurt our LoVeRs then we take them to our homes and live happily ever after even if they don't consent." God Fuck This Goddamn Universe, i need to start to do recon first."

"Just A Few More Days, and this thing can recharge. If the Plot God, can bless me with the convenient Plot then Heck I'm One Lucky Author. I Have Been Grouped Up with some military Male's, their a resistance to protect the last male's from the Yandere's."

"And No Offence To Them, but WHAT THE HELL KEEPING A FEMALE HERE. *Sigh* Calm...Down...IG.... They Are Trying To Keep Them From Infection, i wanted to object from keeping a female here because if i know plot having someone that can be infected is just dumb. Think of it like keeping someone bitten in a zombie apocalypse."

"I didn't object because they could just kick me out of their base, and you know i need to fend off on my own again.

So apparently it all started because of a chemical from a blackmarket Auction, THEY WERE TRYING TO GIVE THIS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, What Are you thinking having that? It's like rich people don't have anything to do then they just cause the apocal--..."

Random Male Voice: "Hey mate, get ready for Mission. You need to do your part for us, too."

IG: "Yeah Yeah, i know. Where am i  supposed to scavenge, meds, food, etc?"

Random Male Voice: "Scavenge? no...no no no, you're gonna escort someone to do some research on the females. Just Protect Them, and you can go back when she is done doing research, Got it?!"

IG: "Alright, thought my first mission would be a basic one.... Wait, did you say a she .Oh hell no, get me another mission You Know There's A thing about female's right?"

Random Male Voice: "Yeah, we know it's a she. Just suck it up, and do your part or we can just kick you out of here."

IG: "Jeez you sound like every goddamn cliche guard in universes, "oh suCk iT Up" Fine i go with your mission, dont be guilty if you never see me ever again.

Dickhead Guard: "Alright just be ready in 1 hour, you'll be with "Veronica". She'll guide you where the research is, You have your own weapons?"

IG: "Yeah, have my other weapons. (Yeah i can get an M4 from out of thin air). Okay i'll be ready, i'll meet veronica at 1 hour. Got it *Thumbs Up*"

1 Hour Later

I'm Just Sitting On a Bench, waiting for veronica. Also i improve this camera, i can just stick this on my chest so you can see my POV like one of those first person video games. Then she came.

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