Log 9: A War Is Brewing Part 1

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-Dream / Flashback-

IG appeared, to where it all happened;

Isaac: "Hey, WAKE UP!"

IG: "WHAT... did They... Attack?! *aims a special M16*"

Isaac: "Calm down, you wouldn't wake up so i kinda screamed at you. *smirk*"

IG: "Jesus, could've i don't know throw water at me!"

Amy: "We tried that, didn't work."

IG: "Ohh... Hey Amy, look sorry for not waking up. What i miss?"

Isaac pulled me up and guided me to a briefing room, IG started to scan the room and Amy say;

Amy: "Yeah, this place a bit messy but it works!"

Isaac: "okay, we got goals to lock this universe down... Maybe, IG can go with me and Amy you just do more recon in here."

IG: "I don't see, how splitting up is good?! We go as a team."

Amy: "We Need Someone Here To Protect our HQ, with this place exposed they're gonna know every intel we have!"

IG: "Ughh... You Have A Point, i hate when you're right!"

Amy and Isaac laugh at IG's Outburst, they went on with their mission;

Isaac: "Come Brother, No One Left Behind. *he ran through the forest*

IG: "Really have to be with him, *sigh* let's go!"


IG and isaac was walkin through the leaves, they spoke small talk;

Isaac: "Soo... Old Man, how's it goin?"

IG: "*sigh* Isaac, please don't call me that. Yeah i'm more older than you but please, sorry if i'm not hip with the new topics like those new anime."

Isaac: "Well, sorry sirrr... Look we need some humor in the battlefield IG!"

IG: "Well Humor doesn't mean talking loudly. Just focus, please!"

Isaac: "Yes Sir..."

They went on with their mission, not knowing someone is following them. It cuts to them goin through an old camp, filled with weapons and supplies;

IG: "Oh this might be our lucky day, let's check for intel!"

Isaac: "Don't just rush in, maybe they're still nearby."

IG: "Ok ok, I'll scout ahead you just give me backup if i get ambush. I'm goin in getting any intel then goin out, agree?"

Isaac just nodded and get ready to cover him.

IG: "alright, goin in."

IG goes in and try to find any intel to ambush the Rogue's, after a while he found nothing but just weapons and supplies;

IG: "fuck, no intel. *radio* no intel maybe they-, wait found a notebook!"

Isaac (on radio): "Ohhh, read it!"

IG: "It holds some location on where they are, hell yeah score!"

Isaac (on radio): "okay get out of there before they go back!"

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