Fourteen. The End?

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Everyone knew. The guards, Marlee, even the Italian Princesses.

I told Aspen last.

"Oh, Mer, that's great!" He swept me up into a big hug.

"Don't crush him!"

"It's a boy?"

"I don't know. I'm just assuming."

"That's still great!"


When I woke up, I immediately knew something was wrong.

My stomach cramped so hard it hurt. There was blood all over my white silk sheets.
No, no, no, no, NO! This wasn't happening!

"Maxon! Maxon wake up! Please!"

The tears start streaming down my face.

Maxon wakes up just as another cramp racks my body. I double over and scream in pain.

"America? What's wrong?" He sees the blood and knows.

He scoops me up, and yells for Aspen, who is the guard outside my door.

"Aspen! Run to the Hospital wing and wake Dr.Ashlar and Marlee up."

Aspen looks past me to the bed and then looks at me as if he's in pain, and the starts running down the hallway.

I just start sobbing.

"Shh, America your going to be fine."

He's running down the hall now.

We reach the hospital wing and Dr. Ashlar is already there.

Maxon doesn't bother setting me down. He just sits on the table and strokes my hair while I sob. Dr. Ashlar does a sonogram.

"America, I need you to push. You're in labor."

Maxon lays me in the table and hfs my hand. It hurts. It really hurts.

After about five minutes of pushing Dr. Ashlar holds up a little pink ball with arms and legs.

"I'm so sorry your Majetys."

"Let me hold him."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He hands me a my baby wrapped in a little blue blanket.

He isn't crying.

"Lets name him Alex."

I look up and see Maxon crying too.

"What do we do now Dr. Ashlar?"

"Plan a funeral."

Me and Maxon cry harder.


I haven't left my room in two weeks. I feel so empty.

But also full.

I don't remember why me and Maxon tried again, but we did.

I look at the test as Maxon walks in.


I nod my head. "You're pregnant?" I nod. He sweeps me into a hug.

"Maxon, I'm scared."

"Me too."

We were going to have another royal heir.

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