
445 24 13

February 18th, 2022


"What did you say?" I ask Ben, zooming in on him.

"I said, with all the blood women lose throughout the course of a year, how are you guys still alive?" He said, spinning a basketball on his right forefinger.

I chuckle. "Do you understand the dynamic of a woman's menstrual cycle?"

"Refresh my memory please." He exclaimed.

"A woman can only get pregnant once a year. So throughout the course of a year, women go through a cleansing. When an egg is not fertilized, it dies. And it dies by exiting the vagina." I explain. "The lining of the uterus, which is just a bunch of old blood, comes out as well."

"Why do you get cramps?" He asks.

His curiosity is adorable.

"The muscles within the uterus are contracting. It's meant to help get rid of the lining. It feels like someone is opening and closing their fist." I shrug.

"And all the other symptoms?" He asked.

"The female body is just weird, I'll put it that way." I giggle.

He chuckles at my exclamation. The video ends and I save it, locking my phone after.

"Come." I hold my arms out to him.

He places the ball down and comes over to my side of the bed. I grin as he lays between my legs, laying his face in my neck. He groans as I rub his bare back with my left hand and hold onto his head with my right arm.

"I love when you do this." I say. "It's like you're a big baby."

"It's a comfortable position." He muffled into my skin.

"I'm sure it is." I smile, caressing the back of his ear with my thumb.

"Especially when you ain't got no bra on." He said.

"Now why'd you have to ruin the moment?" I exclaim, trying to push him off.

He laughs, barely budging at my attempts.

"I despise that you weigh more than me and it's harder to move you." I grunt.

"You've succeeded a few times in pushing me away." He said. "You don't remember?"

I sit there in thought for a second, thinking hard.

"You had to have really pissed me off for me to do that." I say.

"Sure did." He said. "I remember that day vividly."

I try to push everything to the farthest part of my mind because there isn't really a reason to keep living in the past. All we can do is hope that it doesn't repeat itself.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asks.

I shrug. He leaves a kiss on my jawline then buries his face in my neck again. I smile accepting his affection.

My fiancé.

* * *

I find myself sitting in the reserved wives and girlfriends section at the Sixers game later on. This section was about ten rows from the court, but right next to the teams tunnel. I was sitting there with Callie and Anne. And if Jasmine was here, she'd be sitting in this section as well because she's Matisse's girlfriend.

Tobias' girlfriend Lisa was here with us as well. Well, she's his fiancée now. He popped the question a while back.

I brought Liam with me because I wanted to spend some time with my big boy. He's growing so fast and my heart literally cannot take it. Nearly talking in full sentences and knows his ABC's and 123's. I just want him to stop growing on me.

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