
387 20 3

April 29th, 2022


I'm in the bathroom minding my business when the door busts open and Liam comes walking in, after standing in the doorway for a solid two seconds.

"Oh my god." I sigh.

"Mama." He says, walking toward me.

"I'm using the bathroom right now, Liam." I say. "Where's daddy?"

He was supposed to be downstairs in the living room with Ben. Just as I think him up, he comes entering the bathroom as well.

"Hello? What happened to daddy duty?" I ask him.

"I turned away for one second." He says, picking Liam up. "I'm sorry about that."

"Ugh." I face palm.

"Daddy, mama poop." Liam points at me.

I narrow my eyes as Ben chuckles.

"It stink, huh?" Ben asks him.

"Both of you, out now." I point at them.

Ben laughs, leaving the bathroom. He closes the door behind him and I groan. Period poop is the literal worst.

Give or take another five minutes and I'm finally relieved. I hop in the shower real quick because it's just a habit of mine.

I come out with my robe on and a towel around my wet hair. Then I go downstairs to check on my family. I don't see them in the living room, so I go down to the game room. There I find Ben streaming a game with Ryder in his lap, Karlie asleep in her seat, and Liam on the bean bag chair eating Goldfish.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant sight." I grin, folding my arms.

"Mama." Liam exclaims, trying to get out of his spot.

I chuckle, walking over to him. I pick him up and place him on my left side.

"Babe?" I call for Ben.

"Yes baby?" He asks, eyes still on the game.

"You gave him goldfish before he could have lunch?" I ask.

"I didn't know what you wanted him to have, so I gave him some goldfish." He exclaims. "Plus you didn't want to be bothered, so I left it at that."

I look at Liam who's chewing away in my ear. I smile and wipe the crumbs off his face. He takes a goldfish out of his baggy and offers it to me. I open my mouth and he puts one on my tongue.

"Mmm, it's yummy." I exclaim.

He grins. I look over at Ben again, who seems to be locked in on his game.

"I can take the kids now so you can focus on your game." I offer.

Eight month old Ryder squirms around, trying to get out of Ben's arms. Ben pauses the game for a brief second, before placing Ryder down. Ryder crawls over in my direction, sitting down by my feet. I pick him up and carry him on my right side.

"I'll be right back to get Karlie." I say, turning to leave the game room.

I take the boys upstairs to the kitchen, getting them settled into their high chairs. Then I scurry downstairs to get Karlie and bring her up to the kitchen as well.

"Are we doing Dino Nuggets for lunch today Liam?" I ask him.

"Yes mama." He answers.


I walk over to the sink to wash my hands really quick. Then I reach into the cabinet for the box of Kraft Mac & Cheese. He loves it.

I go into the freezer for the nuggets and take out four. Then I put them on a baking sheet and set the stove to the desired setting.

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