
405 25 10

March 18th, 2022


Liam is two years old, Ryder is seven months old today, and Karlie will be three months on the 21st. Ally has been doing the last minute plans for the wedding, so that's what's keeping her occupied second behind the kids.

Today the boys are having their swim lessons. Liam has been swimming for a while now so he already knows what he's doing. Ryder has been learning for about a month. We'll start Karlie with her lesson in about three more months, maybe wait until she's one. The next stop for Liam however, is potty training.

They really grow on you, don't they?

"Daddy?" Liam exclaims.

"Yes buddy?" I say.

He gestured to his trunks. "I need hewp."

I squat down to help him with his trunks. I pull them along his waist, tying them tight enough so they don't come off.

"Is that good?" I ask him.

He nods, looking up at me.

"Alright, good." I say. "Give daddy a kiss."

He leans in and gives me a kiss.

"Thank you buddy." I grin, kissing him back.

He makes his way over to the pool steps, sitting down on the side to take off his crocs. I walk over to pick them up, before going to sit in my seat. Ryder was already in the pool with the teacher, Gwen.

"Nice of you to finally join us Liam." Gwen smiles, assisting Ryder in floating on his back.

Liam smiles back as he treads the water. Gwen has been teaching him since he turned one. He might even have a crush on her with how much he be blushing when she's around. She's a great swim teacher for him.

Ally is currently out shopping with Callie and Anne, so she left me here with the boys. She took Karlie with her though.

For the next two hours, I'm watching Liam jump into the pool and do all kinds of cool tricks. Well, just things he thinks are cool. But if he thinks they're cool, then they're cool.

Once he tires himself out, he's walking back into the house with me behind him holding Ryder. I follow him upstairs to his room, making sure he doesn't fall going up the stairs.

When we get to his room, I get him dressed up in a onesie. He's coming with me to the game tonight, so I have to keep his look simple for now.

"You hungry?" I ask him.

He nods. I go to get Ryder changed up, then I take them downstairs to feed them.

Just me and the boys.

* * *

"How did it go with the boys?" Ally asked.

"It went great, as you saw. They didn't give me any problems or anything like that." I say.

"That's good." She grinned.

"I think your son has a crush on Gwen." I exclaim.

"The swim teacher?" She says.


She chuckles at that, putting her bags into the closet.

"How was shopping?" I ask her.

"Great, as you can see." She grins, coming out of the closet. "There was so much more that I wanted, but I had to refrain from buying unnecessary shit."

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