Harry Loxton

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Hi,I'm Harry. I go to Warwick high, a scummy little school round the corner from my uncle Terry's flat. I hate school, I hate books and I hate writing, so I don't take my books or my pens, I don't have to do it then..will I? I'm 15 and my mates are Josh, Frazer, Tony, Jake and Mayson. They hate school as well, last week we went to a sick party on Tuesday night and didn't get up 'til twelve, so we scived off and went on blackops all day...amazing!

But then school rang up my mum and asked her why I wasn't in school, she went mad at me and I got put on report at school again. Then there was the time when we were smoking behind the bins on the yard and one of the year eights chucked my fags over the wall, so I climbed over to get them and when I got back, Mr Farmstead was emptying the rubbish and I got bollocked...and that was before he knew about what I was going over there to get!

So I was on my final warning, my mates told me to start being careful, because as bad as this school was, suspension wasn't any better. But I ignored them, I thought they were probably jealous because I had a badass reputation and they didn't.

But I was wrong.

When I got my lip ring done and my sides shaved,not only did my mum not stop asking me what was going through my head, but I remembered that I was going to get told off for my ring, so I tried to take it out, but then the hole started healing up, I couldn't let it do that, I can't afford to waste money as it is, especially not when its £25.00 on a piercing! so I put it back in.

At school the next day, lots of the girls complimented me on my hair-which was good.

I then walked over to B block toilets where I knew my mates were, and I found them smoking,perched on the counter where there are gaps between the sinks. 

"All right?"asked Josh, nodding to me from near the hand drier. 

"yeah,you?" my speech sounded a bit weird because the ring was hurting so much,but I tried to ignore it. 

"What's wrong with your mouth?' asked Frazer. 

"Nowt, my tooth just fell out, it feels abit weird" I lied, hoping losing teeth when you're 15 was possible. 

"you lost all your teeth ages ago, I remember your mum saying so"piped up Tony, who always remembers little details that everyone else seems to forget. 

I was scared of what they were gonna say, I knew they weren't gonna like it, they'd tell me I was stupid for choosing suspension. 

"Wait a sec, what's tha- is that a lip ring?" asked Jake, who had hopped down from the counter and was starting to approach me, his eyes fixed on my lip. 

"What the hell did you get THAT for?!" Mayson yelled as he too came closer and recognised the hoop through my lip. 

"I forgot about the warning thing, then I took it out and the hole started healing up, so I put it back in, I can't waste money mate, I'll just hope the teachers don't notice" I replied. 

"Don't notice?! you've got metal shoved through a hole in your fucking mouth, of course they'll notice!" he was really angry at me. 

I didn't know what to do.

After standing there in awkward silence for a few seconds, the bell rang out and the lads put out their fags and flushed them down a loo.

They all walked past me on their way out. Tony was last, as he passed, he shouldered me,"see you in six weeks or so"he said and the door shut behind him.

And he was right. Straight to the headmaster I was. He called mum in and she came down, fuming with anger. 

"I'm afraid that due to the lack of responsibility that Harrison seems to be showing for a boy of fifteen, I have arranged for him to be suspended for four weeks and be sent to Mooreville academy. The headmaster there, mister Mcladen was more than happy in helping me to temporarily rehabilitate a student to assist them in developing into an adult in a better way than they have been doing." He said, looking down at his papers and then up at mum every so often.

But the next thing he said, he looked me right in the eyes the whole way through.  

"You have another chance, Harry. Smoking, piercings, truancy, that's all behind you now, take out the ring when you walk out of this door and set your mind on becoming a better person from now on".

It was then that I felt ashamed. Upset that everybody else, (it seemed) was leading lives that were aiming towards something. me? I was just ,messing around and not doing anything all day.

I nodded at him and looked down at my feet when I muttered "yes sir".

Then I looked up at mum, who was staring down at me with a glare that could turn Cruella Deaville's blood cold in an instant.

"Sorry mum, I'm sorry I let you down so much, I won't do it again"

She nodded briefly and looked back to meet the teacher's gaze who seemed glad that his idea was going to plan.

"Harry will start on Monday at Mooreville, here are the things he will need. This contains a four-week bus pass, his student ID card, his uniform and a list of things he'll need to take with him" he added, pushing forward a cardboard box with 'HARRY LOXTON' printed on the top.

"Thank you, sir" answered mum, moving forward to collect the box.  

"You have been very helpful, I'm sure this is good for him" she added. Then she opened the door and we were out.

I opened the door and climbed into the car, as I sat there in silence whilst mum ran across the road to the cash machine it was only then that it actually sunk in.

I was going to a private school.

Harry LoxtonWhere stories live. Discover now