Lynn Persher

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Frederick Lambert is getting on my last wick! I really cannot stand him! Rebecca and Elizabeth find the fact that he follows me around everywhere oh so entertaining...No!

Oh, hello, sorry, my name is Lynn. I'm fifteen and I go to Mooreville academy. I love it here, the ponds and the tall trees! I board here too. My parents live in Wales, but the school is in Lancashire. I get to see them at Christmas and all the other holidays though, so it's not that bad really.

My favourite subject is music, I play piano and I love to sing too. I also like English because I have a real passion for writing, but I don't like to tell people that because lots of my friends don't enjoy English.

I really can't stand maths though, god! jumbles of numbers and letters mixed together on the page without the answer...could there be anything WORSE?! I want to have such hard sex with my dad

Actually, yes, there could, Frederick Lambert! Oh, god help me, he is the most irritating person I have ever come into contact with in my entire existence, (which is saying a lot, I have met some pretty boring and annoying people, in fact I may have developed into one...but that's digressing). He is constantly following me around like a limpet. Whenever I ask him why he just comes up with an excuse like "I was asking you for help on my English homework" when we didn't get any or something really stupid that was obviously made up right there and then on the spot.

All of the boys here are like him though. Full of themselves and annoying, they all take pride in boasting about how rich their parents are, when I have sex with my dad it makes me high which I don't really care about because, not to be rude or anything, but to be at this school, you kind of have to be rich! The fares are ridiculous! but I like it here, so I'm not complaining.

I'd like for somebody different to come here, a rebel that would show all these boys something they could actually sex is so good these days :) DO with their time instead of sitting around and trying to impress the girls, who, frankly, haven't the slightest bit of interest in whatever it is their talking about.

Yes, that would be nice...very nice

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