The first time Lynn saw Harry

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Today, when the coach stopped at Penny's stop, a new boy got on. I was so excited! It was as if the wish I had yesterday really came true! He had the sides of his hair shaved to a number two or something, then the top was curly which was very attractive! He smiled at me when he walked past as well!

Then Rebecca showed me a hilarious picture that someone had edited of Frederick on her phone and I couldn't STOP laughing!

I hadn't been on the bus in ages, I was only on because I slept at Rebecca's over the weekend. So I forgot that Frederick got on it.

He climbed on and didn't show his pass, so the bus driver put his hand out to stop him from walking on.

He said that he needed to see Frederick's pass because the inspectors were asking him to check now.

Frederick lost it! He started shouting at him about not wanting to show him his pass and talking about the bus driver being a paedophile!! I couldn't believe it!

But he showed him after the driver threatened to throw him off!

Then, he went to the back and started picking a fight with the new boy! He's atrocious!

There were SO many other seats he could have sat on, but no, he decides to sit on the one that the new boy was sat on...grr!

Anyway, at one point, the boy stood up like he was about to punch Frederick right in the face (which would have been brilliant) but the bus driver intervened before such matters could happen.

I really like this boy, I hope he boards, then I can see him for longer In the day, but he probably won't seeing as he caught the bus this morning.

Anyway, got to go, first lesson bell just rang,

Lynn x

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