the soldier • 4

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there will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword. she will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh lord.

"Father," Coralia poked her father to wake him up. "It's morning."

She helped him stand and get ready for the day. She explained that she'd be going to another village across the Great River and it would be a few days before she got back. He was surprised that no fabric could be found within a day's ride, but if he was angry he did not show it. He sighed and just said he'd have to have Holria help him stand and sit for the next week. Coralia smiled and kissed his cheek goodbye.

She grabbed her bag and rushed downstairs. Just as she reached the door, something stopped her abruptly. She let out a sharp yelp and turned to face the obstacle. Dantus. He grinned, holding her waist. "What are you doing out so early with such a heavy bag?"

"I'm leaving," She said, her chin high.

"Oh, really? And where to?"

"Across the River." Coralia frowned.

"That's a long trip, you sure you're up to it alone? I could keep you company." Dantus crossed his arms, smirking.

"I can handle myself, thanks." She squirmed out of his grip and fought back a smile. If she was really going somewhere for shopping, perhaps she would take him with her.

She needed a clear head for this new chapter in her life. So after saying a short goodbye, she headed down the street.

Sure enough, Sowdin was standing outside his house waiting for her. He helped her onto the horse he had prepared and handed her the sword he'd taken from Cair Paravel all those years back.

"Be quick and be safe, my child. Write me, if
you can. Make sure to tell them you know me for extra recognition. If they know you were trained by the greatest swordsman in all of Narnia—"

"...They'll let me in without a second thought, I know." She grinned at the mouse, and pulled him into a hug. He swiped at her until she let go.

"I was going to say they'll turn you down, but that works, too. I wish you the best of luck, Coralia. Now go, and do not be late. Keep the sword handy, and take this bow as well."

He knew that she was not very good with a bow, but some skill was better than nothing. She nudged the horse and it started off.

She rode for hours before the horse even thought to stop for water at a small stream. She waved to the few naiads and rested for a short while as well. She ate some of the food she packed and started up again.

When Mr. Sowdin said 'fastest horse,' he really meant it. The horse was not only speeding down the road, but he was also speaking to her. It was very hard to hear him over the wind, so Coralia just made small noises of agreement every now and then.

After more long hours, the sun was beginning to set and they'd just reached the River. All they had to do was ride a few more miles before they'd reached the Great River Delta and with it, Cair Paravel.

Coralia and her horse reached the Delta much quicker than she expected, and it was still hardly dark out. She wasn't sure the etiquette for going up and just asking to join the army, so she decided to do just that. She rode right up to the front gate and knocked.

A centaur peered through the gate at this disheveled child holding a large bag and a sword standing outside the gates of the greatest castle in Narnia.

Surprisingly, he opened the gates without question. The security here wasn't very secure at all. Regardless, Coralia was not going to let anything take her by surprise. The centaur led her to what could only be the servants quarters and let her into an empty room for the night.

"Your horse will be welcome in the stables," The first thing he had said for the whole walk through the courtyard. "When you wake up in the morning, you can join the servants for breakfast and then train with the others here for the same position. In two days we will have everyone come before King Edmund and myself and show their skills. Get some sleep and be prepared to perform your best in two days." He left as soon as he was finished and shut the door behind him. Coralia could tell that this was the centaur Sowdin had trained. They acted the same when it came to giving monologues then leaving immediately.

It was already so late at night that Coralia fell asleep as soon as she laid down.

AAAH i'm so tired i can't do this

soldier, poet, king || e. pevensie | slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now