the poet • 14

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there will come a poet, whose weapon is his word. he will slay you with his tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh lord.

Dantus tossed Coralia's letter onto the fire. He couldn't read them anymore. She had abandoned him. The old man, who'd introduced himself as Coriakin, was still living with him. He was overstaying his welcome, but Dantus was still working on the book. The magician made the cover, titling it The Book of Incantations. Original.

Every night when Dantus wasn't at the pub, he was writing down the spells and making drawings to represent what the spells would do. The book included spells to cure small ailments to spells that could change one's appearance.

By the time Dantus finished the book, he'd added certain drawings that the magician had requested, including a mirror, though Dantus couldn't imagine why. It wasn't like the drawing would actually work as a mirror.

It was a dangerous book, so Dantus added clasps to the covers to keep it from accidentally being discovered. The spells would not work until the magician enchanted the book to do so.

Then the magician waved a hand over the book, whispering nonsense words. The book lit up for a moment, then returned to looking like any old book.

"Thank you for this. I will take it now and return home to my library."

"Wait, you're just going to take it? I spent weeks on that book."

"It's my book, and I have more need of it than you do."

Dantus sat down in a chair, scowling.

"Don't pout, faun. This is not the last time we will meet."

Somehow, Dantus knew he was telling the truth. "Before you go, do you want shoes? You're always walking around barefoot."

"Don't pretend you have shoes anywhere in this house. I bid you well. Goodbye." With that, the magician shut the door behind him and left Dantus alone.

In the morning, Dantus headed off to the pub to open up. He helped Wicus out of his chair and down the stairs. Wicus had hired someone else to run the bar. Another faun girl. Dantus couldn't deny that she was attractive. Very much so. But she wasn't making conversation. So Dantus had to actually make food instead of fooling around with her and distracting her from her job.

Until about three weeks into her working at the pub she starting laughing at his jokes and answering his questions.

"I think you're warming up to me, Pyxia." Dantus smirked. They were closing up the pub together.

"Not a chance, Dantus." She smiled and went back to counting the day's income. They couldn't leave it in the tavern in case someone staying there decided to go downstairs and clean out the money.

"Let me walk you home."

Pyxia considered it for a moment, then handed Dantus the money for safekeeping. "Alright. But don't try anything. We have to be back here early tomorrow."

"I would never." Dantus held out his arm for her to take. They walked to Pyxia's house and he held the door for her as she stepped over the threshold. Dantus started to shut the door, but Pyxia turned around quickly and stopped it. She leaned over and kissed him quickly. His hands immediately found her waist, pulling her close. Too soon, she pulled away and shut the door.

Dantus walked back to his own house, smiling. Coralia had moved on and was off following her dream, and he had to move on as well. Maybe it would be good for him to start seeing another faun, rather than pine after a whatever Coralia was.

He got just four hours of sleep, Dantus headed back to the pub to start breakfast for the early risers. Pyxia stumbled through the door, yawning.

"You're late."

"Cut me some slack, I'm still adjusting to only having two minutes of sleep."

"Don't be dramatic, you can get five hours on a good day. It's been almost a month, you should be adjusted."

Pyxia just rolled her eyes and started brewing the tea for breakfast. Dantus headed back to the kitchen and the day began.

He hardly thought of Coralia at all.

reeeeallllyyyy short chapter sorry i'll make it up to you

also every time i remember that they're fauns i giggle cus it's a funny mental image and it also ruins everything i'm picturing

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