the king • 30

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there will come a ruler, whose brow is laid in thorn, smeared with oil like david's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh lord.

"You don't answer my letters, you read the incredibly personal letter addressed to me, and now you have the nerve to show up for a little visit?"

Edmund had no clue who this was, but as soon as the faun took a step forward, Edmund copied his movements. "Choose your words carefully, sir." He finally did place his hand protectively on Coralia's back.

The faun glanced at Edmund's hand, then Coralia's face. He glowered, clearly unhappy with Edmund's actions. "Oh, I see, you've moved on quickly."

"What are you talking about? Moved on from what, Dantus? You were my best friend, and you stopped talking to me. I wasn't about to hold on to someone who clearly didn't care about my feelings. Am I supposed to be sorry that you're in love with me?" Coralia nearly yelled.

Dantus flinched, as did Edmund. The King connected the dots immediately. This was the lover Coralia had mentioned on their trip home from Archenland. He looked Dantus up and down. An odd choice. She could do much better.

Dantus' face was unreadable. "I'm not going to apologize for my feelings. You left me without warning, forgive me for missing you."

Coralia stayed tense, but didn't move as Dantus walked towards her. Edmund cut in as the faun reached them. "That's close enough." He held his hand out, keeping his other hand on his bodyguard's back. Dantus narrowed his eyes coldly at Edmund.

The young king had seen colder things in his lifetime, he could take it.

Edmund stayed exactly where he was, not backing down. Coralia was the first to move. She hated needing protection. "Your Majesty, I'm fine. I can handle this." She nearly shoved Edmund away from her and stepped towards Dantus. "Why are you here?"

Dantus opened his bag, pulling out a book. Edmund had seen that book before. "I wanted to use your library. I wrote this book, I'm buying it back."

Coralia's eyes softened. "You got published?"

Edmund's eye twitched. Coralia was giving in, getting all cozy with this ex-lover again.

"A lot, actually," The faun bragged. Edmund rolled his eyes. "Seven novels and this Book of Magic."

The Book of Magic. The book that had fallen to the ground, starting their night in the library. Edmund's mind betrayed him and brought up the memories of Coralia's body against his. He banished the thoughts and returned to reality. If he'd looked to Coralia, he would've seen the emotional glance she'd sent his way.

"Well, you can take it. For free." Edmund said, trying to get rid of this reminder of Coralia's past as soon as possible.

Dantus nodded in thanks, putting it back in his bag. "I don't suppose you still have that manuscript of mine?" He asked Coralia. She nodded.

"I do! Come with me."

Dantus followed her towards the servant's quarters. Edmund did not like that one bit. He was stuck between trusting Coralia enough to let the two go up to her bedroom and distrusting Dantus enough to follow them up and make sure he didn't try anything.

He decided to trust Coralia and head back to his room. He paced and paced, worried sick about his bodyguard. Aslan, why was he so worried? She could do whatever she liked, she was her own person. She had her own past. He admittedly knew nothing about it, but it was hers to keep.

He knew nothing about this Dantus character, and frankly, he didn't care to. All Edmund knew was that Dantus was in love with Coralia. His Coralia. And she clearly loved him back, or had at one point. And it drove Edmund mad.

He didn't care about what they were doing somewhere in the attics (a lie), but he'd be damned if he said that he didn't care about her.

That he didn't love her.

A terrifying notion, but a dangerously true one. Edmund collapsed onto his bed. Oh, Lord, was he utterly fucked. He ran to Lucy's room. He banged on his younger sister's door until she opened it. "Lucy! I have news. Bad news."

Lucy led him to sit at her desk, worry creasing her features. "What's happened?"

"I... Oh, Aslan, I can't even say it." He ran his hands through his hair. Lucy smiled.

"Oh, I'm so glad you figured it out! I've been dying to talk to you about her. When did you realize?"

"Realize what? I don't know if we're talking about the same thing here."

Lucy jumped up, grabbing Edmund's hand and dragging him to Susan's room. Luckily, she was in her room rather than outside practicing her shooting. Lucy threw open the door and pushed Edmund into one of Susan's lounging chairs.

"He finally figured it out!"

Susan's face lit up, and she grabbed Lucy's hands, jumping about. "Oh, thank Aslan. I've been dying to talk to him about it."

"Susan, he's right here." Edmund waved his hand at her. She hurried over, sitting next to him.

"So when did you realize? That you love her?"

Edmund groaned. "So you're telling me it's that obvious? And I've only just realized five minutes ago?"

Lucy and Susan only smiled at each other. "Well, you must go tell her!"

"No. Absolutely not. I've just realized today, and her ex-lover is here right now, in her quarters."

"What?" Lucy shrieked. "How'd you let that happen?"

Edmund waved her off. He was bombarded with accusations and insults for two minutes before he declared that he needed a bath to clear his head. Coralia was still nowhere to be found, so Susan's maid drew the bath for him.

The water was cold by the time Edmund stepped out of it. He'd fallen asleep in the bath, missed lunch, and was almost late to training.

A hurried knock sounded on his door. He wrapped a towel around his waist and called for the unknown visitor to come in.

Unsurprisingly, it was Coralia, already in her armor for training. He turned away from her, not wanting to let her see his face. She had no qualms, because she got to admire his back muscles for a moment as she collected herself from her, ah, reunion with Dantus.

She dressed him in his armor and the two walked down to the courtyard to meet the knights.

hey friends it's been a minute! spring semester hit me like a truck and i had to cut back on writing but i have five more drafts lined up from february so once finals are over and i'm home for summer we'll see more

also fucking FINALLY

but there is no happy ever after yet...

because dantus chapter is next

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