the king • 18

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there will come a ruler, whose brow is laid in thorn, smeared with oil like david's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh lord.

"Tensions are higher than ever with Ettinsmoor. We cannot avoid war any longer. The King tried to assassinate me. Assassination, successful or otherwise, is grounds for war. However, our army is so untrained that we don't stand a chance if we try to march on them. We have no options. If anyone here has any ideas, please share them."

A Minotaur spoke up. "We could combine forces with Archenland. Our relationship is strong. Their army is small, but trained, and I believe that in this situation, quality overrides quantity."

Many knights agreed, and the generals seemed to think it was a good idea. King Edmund nodded slowly. "Do we think they'd agree?"

"The king has no problems with Narnia. We should be able to come to a conclusion easily." Coralia spoke up.

King Edmund placed his hands on the table, rocking forward and backward subconsciously. "I believe that this is a solid plan. Shall we sent a pigeon or a messenger?"

"I will take the message to Archenland." Coralia said.

Edmund cut her off. "No. I need you here with me. We'll send a messenger bird instead, requesting that the king come to us."

"With all due respect, sire," One of the knights said. "I don't believe that asking him to travel all the way to us then asking to use his army would help us much."

There were some mumbles of agreement. "Very well. I will personally go to Archenland and request this. I will take three men with me."

The men were decided on, and King Edmund dismissed the meeting. They were to leave at dawn.

Coralia followed him up to his room to help him prepare for the rest of the day. Luncheon, training the army, sparring with the knights, dinner, bed, then back up to head to Archenland.

"I'll prepare myself for dinner tonight, you must get some sleep if we're to head to Archenland tomorrow." Edmund said, holding his arm out to take the training tunic Coralia had picked out earlier.

"I thought you wanted me to stay here, sire?"

"I want you to be with me, and I am going to Archenland, so you are going as well. Pack your bag now and be back to help me prepare for training."

Coralia hurried off to her chambers, leaving King Edmund alone to dress himself.

Someone knocked on the door. "It's Peter." His brother said from the other side of the door.

"Come in." Edmund grabbed his tunic and pulled it over his head. "What is it?"

"I heard that you're going to Archenland. I wish you'd come to me with these decisions."

Edmund rolled his eyes. "The army is under my command, this isn't a declaration of war or anything. Just a small trip."

"A small trip? Edmund, Archenland is across the entire forest and beyond the mountains." Peter said, exasperated. "That's at least a month there, maybe two days in Archenland, then another month back. You'll be gone too long, along with some of our men. We'll be unprepared for an attack."

"Which is why we're going, so that we're prepared for an attack."

Peter rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind him. For an adult man, King Edmund's brother could be a real child sometimes. When Edmund was dressed and ready, he headed down to the dining hall and took his seat next to Lucy.

"Peter seemed pretty frustrated, do you have anything to do with that?" She smirked.

"I always do, Lucy, no need to rub it in." Edmund huffed. He ignored any more conversation by eating. He was bored, to put it simply. Lucy was always his confidant and best friend, but even she wasn't making him feel better.

Peter's words had struck a chord. He was right, it was a two month long trip across forests and mountains. He had no doubt that he could do it, but he worried for Coralia and his men. He didn't want anything to happen to her. Or his other knights. But he couldn't just tell her to stay behind. He wanted her near him to keep her safe, funnily enough. She was the bodyguard but he was the one worried about her safety.

After the meal, Edmund went back upstairs to find Coralia already prepared for training.

He grabbed his tunic and changed out of his formal clothes again. Coralia helped Edmund into his armor and strapped his sword onto his belt.

"Ready?" She grinned, opening the door for him. King Edmund nodded, and walked down to training with Coralia in pursuit.

He spent three hours with the army, then another three with the knights. By the end of it, he was ready to collapse. Coralia followed him up to his room.

"I don't want to go to supper." Edmund complained. "I want to sleep." He tore off his tunic and tossed it on the ground.

"You need to eat if you're to be at full strength for the trip. Don't be childish." Coralia grabbed his formal tunic and shoved it into his hands. He tossed it onto the bed instead of putting it on.

"More treasonous language," He muttered, then look down at his bodyguard. "Can't you just bring me something up from the kitchens?"

"I'll see you in the morning, sire."

Edmund grabbed Coralia's sleeve before she left, pulling her back towards him. "I am your king and I am telling you to go to the kitchens to get me some dinner."

"Seriously?" Coralia sighed and left the room.

Edmund cleared his desk, smiling at his victory. Sure enough, she returned 15 minutes later with a platter of food.

"Thank you, Coralia. I'll draw my own bath and everything. You can go to sleep now, we'll leave at dawn."

She nodded and headed for the door again.

"Oh, one more thing."

we're putting more cliche tropes in. what are YOU gonna do about it?

also it is magic i know it would take probably longer to travel and also with three men? thats nuts. but idc.

anyway i am currently watching merlin (again) and it SO shows

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